Chapter 14

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Is he shitting on me?

“Did anyone told you you’re sucks at pulling jokes?” He never sleeps with them? Please. I heard from Barbara’s mouth herself she can’t stop crying out that he took his virginity. Her whole army of skanks took it in but never despise Dwayne. In fact, they throwing themselves at him but ended up the same.

“It’s up to you to trust me. Those girls are just side dishes.”

“Side dish? Girls are food to you? Standing ovation dickhead.”

“They see me as a trophy. Used me till they find a new one. Why should I sleep with girls I don’t have feelings for?”

My hand stop shoving the chocolate jam into my mouth. He got a point. And it surprised me to hear that from the school huge player. And it’s true that those bitches only cling up to him for the title girlfriend of the year. Nothing came out much other than that.

“Then why you date them?”

“Date? I don’t date them.”

“Duhh you guys actually going out. They can’t stop rambling about it when you guys did.”

“I thought you girls know how women’s mouths work.”

“More like showing off when they had you in their arms. I pity you somehow neighbor. Why don’t you just go for the one you actually like?” I’ve been asking that one myself a lot lately. Why he’s wasting his time messing with tons of girls just to find the right one? Doesn’t he feel it when he actually like a girl?

“I-I don’t like anybody in particular.”

“Of course for a player like you.” He just chuckles and we both stay still, neither of us popping out a conversation. Dwayne’s practically closing his eyes, truly enjoying the breeze. It’s weird for me to not having long term shouts with him. And for the record, we’ve been hanging out for almost an hour.

“I like someone though. But she doesn’t know I do.”


“So, last night party. Where were you?” Cameron dangling around me. Something tells me she’s happy for a reason today.


“Seriously? That’s all I got for a night? I called you like three times but you didn’t pick up?” Do I need to tell her now? Because all I see is just a face full of happiness crossing over here and there. She must’ve done something last night.

“Battery’s dead. OK you’re creepy enough. What happened?” Told you I was right. She then put a wide grin and squeezed my arms just like she did whenever she get excited over a thing.

“Don’t hate me for this but it’s a part of a hormonal teenager like me. I slept with Farlon.” My eyes went reasonably wide as she shut her mouth with her hands.

“You what?!”

“You heard me. please don’t judge me. I.. We.. ugh We both agreed to it. Please don’t hate me now. Please you’re my only best friend so I guess it’s alright to open it up to you.”

I can’t believe it. My best friend. Slept with Farlon. But who am I to judge her relationship. I didn’t get one for a proper. They just gotten lover dovey.

“I don’t hate you. It’s just shocking me for me you know. Plus, it’s you matter to bother. I’m happy for you guys. Serious relationship I see.” Elbowing her waist making her flinch.

“I love you! I know you’re my ultra mega best friend! I think we’re gonna be. Because he’s asking me to meet his parents. It all happened so fast and gosh! I’m just too much in love with him.”

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