Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to @HannahSobolewski because she requested either Cameron or Farlon's POV. So I gave it shot on Cameron. Please don't forget to vote! Lysm xx



People sometimes are so stupid to accept the thing they have yearn for. And now when it's standing rightfully to where they wanted to be, they tend to push it away and ignore it. The same thing when you picked your nose.

I could give a better example but that one came out.

And the very same thing goes for Maya. That best friend of mine is still toddler at brain, whether she scores so well in studies, but her brain only works academically. Not for reality, feelings, honesty. You see, since Dwayne moved in next to her, he could raged till the very verge of her temper. I never see a guy could do that to her. Until he made her hated his guts. Because the saying 'there's a thin line between love and hate' could imply to this both idles. Until the foreseen came to strike, no one will deny. That those two will eventually nerve themselves and confess. From the things that Maya told me what had happened these few weeks went, the development was clearly seen. In the end, I was the one who will cheer at the back for her.

School will start in 2 minutes. Where the hell is Maya?

"Babe let's go inside. Maybe she's not going." Farlon wraps his arms around me, rubbing the side of my arm creating a warm stir. He scoots over closer and kisses my shoulder. It's when I realized I actually wearing and off shoulder top just then I feel his wet lips against my skin. My eyes still darted on the entrance, wishing she can make it in time.

"She never skipped school."

For the record, she also never late. Always make it 30 minutes before and hit the books at the library so I have to pull her outside, let her see the real fun in school. I may not be the excel student like her, the gold for every teachers here, but I passed the subjects well.

"Good luck with that when she stayed in with Dwayne."

Farlon keeps on caressing his soft lips to my bared neck. Kissing it every time he's going to the nip of my earlobe. I almost lost in his sensual tension on my burning skin. So, staying at Dwayne's keeping her from coming. I should've known. That boy's capable of everything. And when I mean everything, ditching school will only ignites her to scream all over me after this. But I think that's a good one. She never ditches school. For a person like her, it's surely off the regulation. She doesn't know how to break rules, in search for life's fun for being a teenager.

"That boy. What else he can do to make her into the opposite. Let's get inside."

Literally, I need to make up an excuse for her little escape. Farlon never left his arm around my waist along our way into the building, which it's gonna be the last year for us, the seniors to be in. This year, we're all going to attend the last prom, the last big game, the last fair, the last of every school's event. Frankly, I made Maya to never miss even one. Knowing she's the cooped up type. But I guess I don't have to do the job anymore, Dwayne will do the honor.

Get over it Maya. Please be in love.

"I love you." Farlon sudden confession in the middle of the hallway makes me chuckle. Such an unpredictable guy.

"Love you too." I said in midst giggling. He kisses the top of my head and watches me stacking my stuffs into the locker. "What?"

"Nothing. I like watching you."

There it goes again. The butterflies in the pit of my stomach. The burning sensation on both of my pale cheeks. The abnormal heart beats, that could literally break my rib cage. The deprecating smile I carve with my teeth biting my lower lip. My fingers fiddling, the result of being shoot by a glowing arrow. Tip-toeing in my flats because everything inside me is jumping. Feeling myself can go higher and lost in his sea of love. Slamming my locker shut and cheekily turning to Farlon. His eyes are still fixed on me. burning my pair of orbs, stipulating his minds at the moment.

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