Chapter 8

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Soon after Xander drop us off, I unlock the door and both Janice and me rush in. I need to change quickly. This soaked clothes are killing me with chillness blades. My hair still dripping wet. Janice goes for her change too. But before that, I’m craving for a fresh liquid quenching my thirst. Trails of water are on the floor.

I don’t have worries towards food because Dad is very concern about filling the fridge in varieties. Name it and there we have it. The front door pounds with soft knocks. “Coming!” It’s Ronnie. They haven’t got back yet?

“Hi umm I’m thinking if Janice can join me playing X-box next door?” So they’re still at the devil’s. “Sure. Go upstairs. She’s there changing.” I smile at her and she nods. Passing by me with quick steps. Can’t believe they’re so energetic even after swimming.

Closing the door behind, I follow Ronnie’s trail upstairs. I can’t stand this wet tacky clothes sticking on my skin. It’s uncomfortable with every move I make. Striving me thoughts that swimming is bad for me. Since that devil pulled me down, I hate everything that’s related to swimming. Dwayne’s irritating seizure is inevitable because he’s staying next door.

Pulling the drawers in search for warm changes, the clothes from Dwayne is still perfectly folded on the top shelf. Grimacing against it, my memory goes back to the time. His arrogance in offering me kindness is surely not what I thought about. But I’m against it. Probably seeking chances to blow me off.

Pulling my top upwards leaving me only in my favorite black bra, I feel something unusual. But I choose to ignore as I sliding down my pants. I’m sure something really constraining me. Turning my heads towards the window, my heart drop when I see the devil watching at me solely. My cheeks burn in embarrassment as I clumsily pull the curtain close.

How can I forgot to close the blind? And I can’t believe my room is exactly facing the devil’s! This is too much of torments for me. But there’s no way I can change my room. Janice’s not easy to comprehend with.

She heirs her stubbornness from my mom. Well I’m not much of the difference. My window’s so big and glassy. I should’ve told mom to layer a black tint so people outside won’t see me.

The old crappy phone beeps a horrendous sound. Holding it in the level of my eyes, it’s written unknown. Pressing down few buttons to see the content. *Nice boobies ;)* It read. My jaw drop so wide knowing it’s from the no other than the devil himself.

How does he get my number? I ignore the text and continue changing. But it beeps once again few seconds later.

*And nice ass too ;)* This time it makes me gag. The devil’s outrageously far-fetched! Fueled with furiousness in my chest that I type vulgarities on the pad. I was amuck by his deteriorated selfhood. But instead I backspaced it all knowing he’s just a waste of my time. Nothing was worth to spill for that idle paddock.

Janice still haven’t got back yet from next door. It kills me to know she likes the devil. Shit. The devil must’ve asked her about my number. That smart kid. Mom’s very aware of communication between family members so the mobile phone is the first thing she shoves in our mind.

Knowing that they’re rarely home, it’s very convenient for us to contact each other. But telling it to strangers isn’t a benefit. It’s putting me in peril and even down in shit hole when the devil knows. And he knew. So my life is basically ruined.

My phone let out a ringtone. It’s from the unknown. I pick it up fiercely and tap the call button. “It’s very rude to ignore my texts you know. It’s disrespectful and..”

Saved By A Bad BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora