Chapter 1

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I watched as the SUV pulled into the front porch beside my house. It has been a year since next door was empty. Madam Clifford was a very decent woman before she moved out about a year ago. And since then, no one has ever lived that house next to us. Till now.

I crooked my head against the glass to get a better view when the black car door opened. At first a middle aged brunette man stepped out followed by a woman which I assumed it was his wife.

Nothing surprised me so far. They looked at the house and breathed out satisfaction. The woman snapped her head towards the car and said something. Probably calling someone out.

And to my bewilderment, it was. The back door opened. Maybe their daughter? Son? And it was a guy. I couldn’t see his front features but from the back he had brown hair and broad shoulder. Why he looked so familiar to me?

Turn around turn around. My subconscious pleaded the guy to turn his back around. And when he did, I gasped to my horror.

Dwayne Smith.

Out of all people why it would be him? He’s the school douche bag and the last person I wanted to stay away from. What he had done to almost all girls at school was horrible and unacceptable. He would play around, took a sip and spit them out.

I gritted through my teeth when he walked towards his front door. Great. Just great. Everything just great.. Jerk. Why that oh-I’m-the-sexiest-man-alive dork moving into my neighborhood? I threw the curtain violently and it hung in place after a few swing. I couldn’t believe my new neighbor was Dwayne Smith!

“Maya, what’s wrong with you?” Oh dad. If only you knew. I shook my head and flashed him a fake smile. What did I do? I felt extremely exhausted right now. Loud thumps from upstairs caught my attention. Soon after two small feet rushing down and a small little girl running over me.

“Maya! Please help me with my maths! It’s killing me.” Janice stumped cutely, pouting and handed me her book. Aww she’s so adorable. I pinched her cheek till it went rose red.

“Oww what was that for?” I just giggled and sat on the couch. “Want me to help you or not?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Damn. I still haven’t got any better from this awful flu.

“That was what I asked for in the first place.” She gave me her look. Janice can be annoying sometime but that’s what she got from me. We shifted onto the couch and started to teach her. I mean kindergarten questions were a piece of delicious cake. Kidding.

I was once feeling the pressure to sum and subtract back in kindergarten. Or I must say I almost cry that during exam, I can’t answer them 6 out 10 questions. Horrible right?

But that’s just me few years ago. Now that it was my senior year in high school, I have to unleash my ability for college. I always wanted to go to NYU. That’s the best place I’ve ever heard of the entire time. My parents put a high hope on me to lead my sister.

Jeez why was I talking about education right now. Much to my concern I’ve always hated books.

“There. You got it now?” She scrunched up her eyebrows. “Uhhhh I think I got it. Thanks big sis!” She scratched the back of her neck. I knew she didn’t want to upset me. But by the look on her face, she was determined to work it on her own. “You’re welcome Jane.”

I silently snorted when I saw her walking upstairs. Typical Janice.  That was when I smelt something inviting to my nostrils. Mom must’ve been baking. And when she baked, there must be some sort of occasion going.

Pushing myself up from the lazy couch, my pace was quickening as the aroma was damn seductive. The kitchen was in a bit mess. My eyes only laid on the round desert on the counter. I couldn’t help it. As soon as I reached out my hand for it, mom swatted me hard on my arm causing me to hold back.

“Owwwwww!” I rubbed my hand. It was turning slightly red. “Sorry but that’s not for you Maya. Grab the cake and follow me.” She undo her apron and placed it on the chair. “Follow you?” See I told you there must be something she was up to. “Next door. I want to give them a warm welcome.” Awhhh hell no..

Wait WHAT? Since when mom being so nice? “Maya? What are you waiting for? Get going!” She gave me a glare. What the fudge was this that he get the cake and I got nothing. “Woman. Move.” Mom opened the front door for both of us. I wanted to run away now.

But I can’t. Because if I do, I didn’t know what will happen next. It might be the most horrible nightmare.

“Fine.” I grunted. The cake was so tempting. I wish it was all mine. It was few steps away but my heart ramming my chest like crazy. I can’t think of how I was going to face him. Would he know me? This was so embarrassing.

Holding up a cake, tailing my mom behind, greeting the new neighbor. Mom rang the door bell twice. The door creaked open revealing the devil.

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