Chapter 3

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Monday. No one liked you. So did me. Even though the sun so warm in my feet and finally drenching in my whole room, I never liked the first day of every weekdays. I rolled out of bed lazily and took a look of myself in the mirror. My hair was always in a mess.

Last night case crept into my mind. That dickhead really knew how to piss of people. I walked towards the window and opened the curtain. He was already on his car and getting to hit the road. I wondered why he was so early?

I threw the curtain and went straight for shower. Worriedly thinking what would happen if I encounter with the devil. I got tons of names for him. How despicable he was in my eyes.

See you at school.

His line kept replaying in my head like a broken record. Why was I so intimidated about him? He’s just a waste of thinking and probably he won’t give a damn when he saw me at school. He was way too busy to deal with me.

The shower was short. Still in my towel, I blew my hair and braid it loosely. My dirty blonde made it looked highlighted at certain places. It looked toned and splendid. I was never the overly dressed up kind of girl so I stick up with skin tight jeans and quoted top. It was simple and comfy. And I liked my feet to wrap up in a pair of black converse.

Grabbing my leather jacket, I rushed downstairs acknowledging the time was not convenient. I’ll be late to school. Mom was in the kitchen with Janice in their pancakes. I grabbed a mouthful and gulped down a glass of orange juice. Mom scolded me but I didn’t careless. It was her morning routine and I get used of it.

I still can’t believe though that last night, Dwayne managed to spill some story that made everyone on the table laughed. Except me. I would never fall for that. It irked the shit out of me when he kept stealing glances but I ignored him. How could he be so nice when in fact he’s not?

That’s it. I needed to stop thinking about the devil. Roaring my bike once I started the engine, I dozed off down the street. The ride to my school wasn’t that far. Thanks to dad for this enormous birthday gift, I would be able to sneak up between gap whenever traffic wasn’t comprehending.

Hughford came in sight. I pulled over in the vacant lot and engaged myself from my helmet. Cameron was sitting on the bench near the lot waiting for me like she always did every morning. Something was not alright.

“Is it true you’re neighboring with Dwayne?” I choked in air. How did she knew? I didn’t even get to tell her yet. “Yeah but how did you know?” She gasped. Her eyes widen making me more worried.

“I overheard he was talking with his gang and he..”

“He what?” I cut her in. This did not sound good.

“He laughed at something.” I knew it something was not right with that dickhead. Sex crazed and awful gossiper. Who wouldn’t know that? Everyone did here. “Well what happened exactly?” We walked together towards the entrance.

“They just moved in yesterday and my mom offered them help. We ended up taking a dinner together. And..” When I was about to tell her that Dwayne hovered me and messing around, a guy in buttoned up shirt crept in. It was Xander. One of Dwayne’s minion.

“You’re Dwayne’s neighbor right?” Cameron was right. He did tell everybody we’re neighbor. What was the big deal about that? “Hello to you too and yes.”

Xander snorted and fiddled his fingers. He muttered something inaudible and back his gaze on me. “Join me at the frat party tonight. Dwayne’s place. ” My eyes bulged out like they almost popped off from my eye socket. “Join you? Frat party?”

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