Sneak Peek: Where are you?

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Kit's POV

It's been 2 years since Ming 'died'. My mother in law held a funeral when they decided to accept the fact that he is no longer with us. We were looking for him for a year and a half. We went to different hospitals or clinics to check and we were hopeful that someone brought him in after the accident.

We tried to trace back the event and find any explanation or any logical reasoning why he or his body disappeared. I never gave up and still hoping that he is still alive. I was convincing myself everyday that he is somewhere hiding playing jokes on us and pretending to be dead. Then he shows up one day and telling us how gullible we were.

After the funeral, I was depressed for the entire week and my mom stayed with us to take care of the kids and me. There's not a single day I forgot that moment when I heard the terrible news that my Ming, my MMs, my better half, my world, my life is missing, my world crumbled down. How can I live without him? How can I tell to my kids that their father is not going home anymore?

How can I convince myself that I will be fine without him near me? I was depressed. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. I can only stare at the ceiling as I stroke the right side of the bed where he sleeps. Trying to capture his warmth and hugging the bedsheets as I sniff his every smell. I call his number everyday and listening to his voicemail so I can hear his voice. It makes me feel calm and makes me fall asleep at night. Over and over and over again.

Tears cannot stop from falling for every memories keep popping in my head everytime I open my eyes and not seeing him beside me. His laughs. His awful jokes. His smile. His warmth. His touch. His kisses. Everything is gone now. Where are you Ming? Come back to me.

My friends tried to pursuade me to go out of the room and take care of myself because I looked like hell. My mother tried to comfort me and take care not just my kids but also me. She feel helpless seeing me lifeless as if I am throwing myself away.

As I cry on my bed, I heard a small knock on my door. I didn't bother to open it for I am too weak, too hopeless. The reason of my living is gone. He's gone. I saw the door opened when a few light came inside my gloomy room. My twins are standing on the door. They look sad. They look that they are about to cry but they are trying to hold it in. They want to stay strong for me.

They got his beautiful eyes while they each got my dimples on different side. I stared at them for a few more minutes. They are holding each others' hands as they gather all their strength to look at me and my condition.

Kim: Mom, we know.

Cop: We know about d--ad.

Kim: We know t--that.....

Then I suddenly saw Ming in them. Oh my God! How selfish am I? How thoughtless of me? I haven't lose everything yet. I have Kim and Cop. These are the greatest gift that I received from Ming. A family. I situp and called the twins.

Kit: Come here, kids.

Kim and Cop: M-ooom!!!

The kids run to me as I spread my arms and embraced them. The kids hugged me back and started crying with me. We cried for 30 minutes. I haven't lose Ming. I have him here in my arms, crying with me. He's still alive in our hearts.

Kit: I am so---sorry my sons. I am so sorry. Mama has been very selfish. I haven't taken good care of you for this week.

Kim: It's ok mom. You don't have to say sorry.

Cop: We know how sad you were. We're sad too.

Kit: I love you so much! You have become really brave and strong just like your daddy.

Kim: We miss him too mom. But please stay with us too. Don't leave us.

Kit: I am so sorry. I promise I will never leave you. I will stay strong for you both. I love you so much.

We stayed in the room hugging each other and remembering the good days when Ming was still alive. I heard my mom calling the twins.

Kit: They're here ma in my room!

My mom went inside and saw us together. She covered her mouth and trying to hold her tears. I stood up and approached her.

Kit:  I am sorry ma and thank you.

I hugged my mother and she hugged me back and we stayed like that for 10 minutes when my stomach growled for I haven't eaten anything in a week. We all laughed and I dried her tears using my thumbs.

Mom: Let me prepare your favorites tonight.

Kit: I can't wait! I am so hungry like forever! Let me take a bath. **We all laughed.**

Mom; That's my Kitty. Come on kids. Help me cook dinner so we can have festive tonight with your mom, grandpa and uncle Kieng.

Kim and Cop: Yey!! Grandma will cook lasagna!

Mom: Sure! Lets cook that as well.

They all went down to the kitchen to start making dinner. I looked at our wedding portrait before taking a bath. I approached the portrait while holding my wedding ring on my left hand.

Kit: My MMs. I think I can never love anyone but you. Please wait for me. We'll see each other soon. For now, the twins need me. I love you forever.

I felt Ming's presence hugged from behind and I looked as soon as possible but no Ming around. It is as if I can feel his presence with me and whispered I love you in my ears.

I can never love any man but you, my MMs.


This a sneak peek for the next volume. I am kinda in a lump for the other book. I am still gathering inspirations by watching horror films to get some ideas. I might start writing the second book to keep it going. I apologize for the late update for I was for the last few days since I recently quit my job. Here's my hangout foe the rest of free days. Hahahaha, hope you guys like this chapter! Setting this as completed.

 Hahahaha, hope you guys like this chapter! Setting this as completed

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