Kiet, Kieng and Tee

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Tee's POV

I feel like I am being carried by familiar warmth. I want to see who it is who's giving me this warm feeling but my eyesight is a little blurry. I cannot see clearly who is carrying me. Kieng? Is that you? Why are you crying? Why are you so sad? Did something happen? Why are you shaking? Where are you taking me? I heard Kit called his brother and approached him.

Kit: Kieng, is he ok? What happened? **Kieng continued walking while talking to his brother.**

Kieng:  No time to explain. I need to get him to the hospital. He is losing too much blood. Stay with me Tee. Don't leave me! **I won't leave you. I'm here in your arms.**

Kit: Did you put pressure on his wound? 

Kieng: I did. But he... Kiet used a surgical knife and the wound is deep. I can't stop the bleeding**I can hear his voice shaking. Why? Why are you worried about me? Why are you crying? Stop crying. I do not want to see you cry.**

Kit: Kiet? Kiet did this? 

Tee: Kieng? **I tried to tell him to stop crying however the words can't come out from my mouth. I want to tell him I am glad that he is alright.**

Kieng: Don't talk for now baby. I need to get you to the hospital. Kit lead the way to your university hospital. 

Kit lead the way to the hospital as I can feel them sprinting like they are running out of time. I haven't felt this way before, the feeling of someone getting worried for me. I am not used with the feeling that I am treasured and loved. I can feel his strong arms carrying me like I am fragile and about to break. I can feel his heart beating so fast for me. I don't want to get used to this feeling for I am scared to be thrown away again. But why is your warmth so familiar? Have I met you before? Will you stay with me until the end? I think Kieng is trying to say something. I tried to read his lips and I read **I love you** before I lose my consciousness. 


Kieng's POV

I am running as fast as I can as Kit lead the way to the hospital. I can feel his skin getting colder. He is losing too much blood. I asked Kit if we are getting closer to the hospital and he said yes. When we turn right, I can see the university hospital and run as fast as I could to the emergency area. I heard him call my name and I told him not to talk first. 

Kieng: Help! He is stabbed at the side of his stomach by a surgical knife and the bleeding won't stop. Please someone. Help!

Someone hurriedly approached me and help me to put him on the stretcher. Before I let him go, he called my name again and does not want to let go of my hand, I told him that it will be alright and I will wait for him here for I love him. Kit was able to get a doctor right away to tend to his need. The doctor said that they need to perform an operation for the stabber seemed to be skilled in handling surgical knife and missed the vital organs but made sure that the wound is deep for blood loss. 

When they took him to the surgery room, I felt that my knees lose all the strength as I fell down kneeling on the ground. I have never been scared in my entire life. All I can think off when I saw him bleeding is I do not want to lose him. **Short Flashback** I knelt down to see if he is ok and saw blood everywhere. My mind went blank for a minute and snapped myself out to address the situation. I called Kit on my phone to meet me near to their university hospital. I met him halfway as I carried him on my arms and Kit lead me here. **Short Flashback**

I am starting to cry and blaming myself for getting him involved like this. I wish I could have found a better way to lure Kiet out without using him. I don't want to lose him like this. Kit saw me on the floor and tried to comfort me. However, I can only focus on Tee as I stare at the door of the emergency room.

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