Real Friends

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Ming' POV

Kit is shaking when we saw what's in the box. Who is this crazy bastard or bitch doing this to my Kitkat?!? This is making me mad. Furious. How dare they to scare my Kitkat like this?!? I wanna punch them if I know who it is. But I need to control my anger. I need to channel my emotions in other ways and focus on my Kitkat who is sitting near the table.

I took his hand and went to the living room and made him sit on the couch. He is not responding and his face is blank. My poor Kitkat. I swear I will protect you with my life. I need to be strong and calm. I need to focus. This is not about me. This is about my Kitkat.

I took 3 deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I kneel down in front of him, took his hand and called his name.

Ming: My Kitkat? **He is not responding.** Kitkat? Kitty? Babe? Look at me. **He slowly lift his head and looked at me. I kissed his forehead and felt that Kit came back to me.**
Kit: Ming? **He started crying and hugged me and I hugged him back tighter. I can still feel him shaking.**
Ming: I'm here. I won't leave you. **I sat right next to him without breaking the hug and held him in my arms like a baby being cradled. He cried it all out.**
Kit: I am scared Mingkwan. Who would do this to me?
Ming: We will find out who it is but I need you to be strong. You need to be brave. You don't need to be scared I am here with you. I won't leave you not even a second. Ok? **I hugged him tighter to make him feel that he is safe in my arms. I started to feel that he is shaking less than a moment ago.**
Kit: You promise? **He looked into my eyes for assurance.**
Ming: I promise.

I kissed his tears and his lips and hold him tighter. I felt his shoulders loosened up and he wiped his tears on my chest. We stayed here for an hour holding each other to calm our nerves when my phone started to ring. It is Wayo. I answered it.

Wayo: Where are you guys? We've been waiting here for an hour. We need to talk to you guys right away. This is urgent.
Ming: Sorry, something happened here at Kit's place. We'll be there in 30 minutes. **Wayo sounded it was urgent and it cannot be talked over the phone.**
Wayo: What happened?
Ming: I will tell you guys when we get there. You need to reserve a private room.
Wayo: Why?
Ming: Just do it Wayo. Please.
Wayo: Ok, I'll tell them. We will wait for you.
Ming: Thanks Wayo.

I disconnected the call and look at Kit who fell a sleep for a short period of time. I caressed his face and kissed his swollen eyes from crying. I woke him up since we need to meet our friends to tell them what happened. But we also need to tell them that we are now a couple. Not the best time for the announcement but I need them to help me protect my Kitkat and I don't think that they will mind about it since Wayo and Phana are together while Beam and Forth is still on progress.

Ming: My Kitkat, you need to wake up now. We need to meet our friends and we're late already.
Kit: Do we have to? Can we just stay here all day and all night?
Ming: Well, I suggested that this morning but we need to meet them and tell them what happened. We also need to tell them about us. We need their support on this. Ok?

I kissed his forehead and stood up to change my shirt I packed yesterday since the one I am wearing is still wet from Kit's crying. Kit washed his face and put icepack on his swollen eyes. I took the box and called Kit.

Kit: Do we have to bring that? **His eyes widened.**
Ming: Yes, my Kitkat. They need to see it. They might know someone who has this tendency. Come on. Hold my hand and lets go.

After 30 minutes of driving, we got to the restaurant and Wayo texted the room number where they are waiting. We came inside and holding hands. Our friends saw it and congratulated us both.

Wayo: Congratulations to both of you. **Forth and Phana fist bump with me with smirks on their faces.**
Beam: My Kitty, you are no longer a maiden.

He chuckled as he hug my Kitkat. Kitkat hugged him back tighter and trying to hold his tears. Beam felt that there is something wrong with his bestfriend and looked at me and I pointed the box I am holding on my other hand.

Beam: Spill it Mingkwan.

I told them what happened about the call and showed them what's inside the box while Wayo and Beam comfort my crying Kitkat. I let out my frustration since I am clueless for who it is.

Forth: Who do you think it is? Did you make enemies here in our university when you won the competition?
Phana: How about crazy ex-girlfriends?
Ming: I did not make any enemies and I won the competition fair and square. In terms of crazy ex-girlfriends, I haven't experience this kind of extreme stalking. **I am pointing at this box.**
Wayo: How about you Kit? Did you have an crazy ex-girlfriend. **My Kitkat suddenly looked at Beam. I saw Beam looking at Phana. This got me curious.**
Ming: Tell my Kitkat. **I am looking at him. Kit looked scared and looked me and begged me not to force him.**
Beam: Kitty, you need to tell him about your past. You're the victim here.**Victim?!?!? Is this about the past that he doesn't want to talk about when I asked him before?**
Ming: My Kitkat. **I approached him amd knelt down to look him in the eye. I can sense that he is shaking. I took his hand and kissed him on his forehead. I felt that he stopped from shaking and looked me in the eye.** It's ok my Kitkat. You can tell me.
Kit: Mingkwan, please believe me that you are my first man. But it is not an ex-girlfriend but an ex-boyfriend. **I was surprised and shocked to hear ex-boyfriend.**
Phana: I think you need to sit down Ming. This will be a long one. **He gave me water to drink which me made look confuse and more curious about his past. Who is that crazy bastard who broke my Kitkat apart? I swear I am gonna break his neck.**


Hello!! This is getting mor exciting. Yup!! It is Kit's first boyfriend! I didn't see that one coming. Next chapter will be flashback so don't get confuse or look for Ming. I am still looking for a reference of the actor who will play Kit's ex. Hahaha. I am so excited to write the next chapter.

Book 1: Mingkit Only You (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя