Game Over

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Kit's POV

I woke up at 3am because I felt my phone vibrated. I checked my phone and received a message with an attachment. I opened it and found a video streaming and to my surprise it is me and the gang right at this very moment. This got me confuse since the CCTV that we bought can be use offline. This way it cannot be hacked or tampered. I received another message with another attachment and it showed that the CCTV was replaced by one of the police officers who came during the commotion. He also place another black box under my kitchen sink.

My heart sunk because all the plans and the setback we have prepared are all useless now. I tried to check if there is an audio using my headset to avoid waking up MMs. I do not want him to panic. Gladly, there is no audio and we can still use the plans and the setbacks. But what is the black box placed under the kitchen sink? I receive another message and got a clue "Tik-tok, Tik-tok, Tik-tok, Tik-tok, BOOM!!!!" There's a bomb in my room?!?!?!?!? What the hell?!?!?!? All 8 of use were in the dining area, strategizing and eating.

I received another attachment and saw another video with my parents sleeping at the hotel room and two officers staying with them. But at the door of their hotel room, there are six big guys with metal pipes on their hands as if they are waiting for the door to be opened. They are the same guys that came to us last night. I started to panic and scared. This is why I do not want them to get involved with this. I am getting worried if the two police officers can protect my parents and themselves for there are only 2 of them and there are 6 stalkers. I can feel tears falling from my eyes,.

I receive another attachment and saw that one of the police officers who are staying with them is the one who replaced the CCTVs and put the bomb under the sink. He already knocked out the other officer. He went inside to my parents' room and he is now pointing his gun at my parents' head. My heart stopped and I cannot think straight because I can see my parents defenseless in their sleep and they cannot even beg for their own lives. I was about to wake up Ming but when I receive another message.

Unknown Number: Don't you even think waking up your fiancee. Remember we are watching you. If you ever wake anyone up except your brother Kieng, your parents will die with two bullets in their head.

Kit: What do you want? **I replied back.**

Unknown Number: We want you and your brother Kieng in exchange to the lives of your parents and friends. What's your answer Kittinan?

Kit: Fine. **I have no choice since the lives of my parents and friends are in our hands. I have to comply.**

Unknown Number: Good. We will send you the address of the hideout. Don't even think sending that information to your friends or your parents will die and we will set off the bomb.

Kit: I will comply and if me and Kieng comply, I will take the bomb with me and you will call off the police officer and the 6 six guys. You will leave my friends and family.

Unknown Number: ........ Ok, but if you don't comply to our demands, we will kill them in front you. The CCTV will remain to watch your every moves. Don't make any stupid mistakes Kittinan.

Kit: Understood.

I kissed Ming for one last time for there is no guarantee that we will come back to them alive. We need to end this, Kieng and me, Kiet and Ice. I studied the video again to know the location of the CCTV in order to find it's blind spot. There I saw it. The side of my bed where my what-to-do list is placed. I left a sticky note and I hope they will figure out the message behind it because I cannot stay at the blind spot any longer and they might figure that I am leaving a clue to my fiancee and friends. I hope Ming knows me better than myself to figure out the message.

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