The In-Laws 2

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Ming's POV

I dropped the call and look at my Kitkat. I stood up and got out of the bed and started to do some stretching and push ups as if I am preparing for a fight. My Kitkat guessed that they have arrived through my actions and started to do three deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Then we heard someone knocking at our door. I run towards the door and slowed down my pace when getting there and I took three deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I opened the door and greeted Kieng, their parents and their family doctor. I was surprised that their family doctor was a woman.

Ming: Good morning Kieng

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Ming: Good morning Kieng. Good morning Uncle and Auntie. Good morning... **I looked at the family doctor.**

Kieng: Her name is Kannika, she's my childhood friend.

Ming: Good morning Kannika. Please come in. My.... I mean Kit is inside the room lying on the bed as advised by P'Kieng.

Uncle and Auntie are both quiet and I cannot read their expression and it is driving me nuts because I do not know how to interreact. So we were all seated in the living room except for Kit who is still on the bed and still no strength at his legs. Kieng instructed Kannika to go to Kit for the check up. Now, there's only four of us in the living room and looking at each other. It was just ten minutes that has passed but it felt like its been hours. Kieng is sitting at my side while Auntie and Uncle sitting in front us. Uncle and auntie are sitting cross-legged and both of their hands wrapped around their knees. I want to offer them some tea but their focus is entirely on me.

I feel like a small prey being hunted and the predators are watching my every move. I can feel myself sweating because of nervousness It is as if all my confidence has dissipated and I swallowed a big chunk of hair when I tried to speak but my attempt was a failure. As I look at their eyes, I felt that I was decapitated with the intensity of their gaze. Then suddenly, Kieng broke the silence.

Kieng: Ma, this is Ming. Kit's errrrrrrr... Husband. **I was watching their expression but it remained unfazed. I cannot take this anymore. I need to speak up now and it might be too late if I won't. I can't let others fight my own battle.**

Ming: Auntie, uncle. My name is Mingkwan Dechapanya. Husband of Kit Intochar and now Kit Dechapanya. I married your son yesterday for I can no longer see myself with other people aside from my Kitkat in the future. I love your son, all his imperfections are his greatest assets. My Kitkat loves me. I apologize if we did not tell you from the start for Kitkat loves you so much and does not want to worry you for his future. We apologize from the bottom of our hearts. We would like to ask for your approval and for your blessing to start our own family. Rest assured that we are thinking about our future seriously and we would love you to be part of that future.

Uncle: If we don't give you our approval, what will you do?

Ming: I will work hard for both of us to prove ourselves to you how much we love each other regardless of our gender and that we are thinking about our life together seriously.

Auntie: If we decided to take our Kit and raise our grandchild, will you fight against us?

Ming: I love my Kitkat and our growing child more than myself and I do not want to take the risk of losing them both if I will be selfish. I know how my Kitkat loves his family and he will have a hard time choosing between us which can cause stress to our baby. I do not want my Kitkat and our growing child to stress over it. I will let you take care of my Kitkat because there is nothing like a mother's care to their own child. I will fight my way back to prove my worth to be my Kitkat's husband and to be the father of the child he is carrying.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled as I watch their reactions to my answers. I am not even sure if I am happy with my own answers. My priority right now is my Kitkat and our growing child. Then I look at Kieng who seems to be impress with my answers and looked at his parents. **I bow down to show the sign of my sincerity towards their son.**

Kieng: So? What did I tell you? He is crazily in love with out Kitty. **Wait? Did I hear it correctly?**

Uncle: Yeah, you won the bet. Here's you 500 dollars. **Huh?!?!? What did just happen? Auntie saw my confused face and approached me.**

Auntie: I am sorry my son. We are just testing you. We already know your relationship with our son from the very beginning.

Ming: What do you mean auntie? From the very beginning? **I am still down on my knees and still confuse of what I'm hearing.**

Auntie: Why don't you stand up first and sit on the couch so we can talk properly. **I did what I was asked to do since I am still lost of what's happening right now.**

Kieng: Sorry Ming. I already told them last time you visit and mom saw Kit hugged you from behind at his room when she was about to call you when I got home with dad.

Auntie: Well, you guys were not really that great in pretending to be just friends nor that good in hiding your relationship the entire time at home. I saw the way you looked at each other.

Uncle: I also observed how you make Kit calm when we told him about his other brother Kiet. We just didn't confront you both due to pressing matters at that time. But, that is over and we also know about the wedding yesterday.

Ming: We're sorry about that. It's just we didn't know if that was the right time to tell you guys about our relationship and our plans to get married. We did get married yesterday but we have a separate wedding that includes both of our families. So you also know about what Kieng gave us?

Auntie: Oh, sweety. I gave that to him to pass it onto you. Kieng recorded the wedding yesterday so we were able to watch it. And Ming, I love your speech. I felt how you deeply love my son and how Kit loves you in return.

Uncle: So we are happy to give you our blessings and we thank you for being patient and loving our Kitty with all your heart and without any reserves.

Auntie: Thank you for bringing back our sweet Kitty and putting a smile on his face. We haven't seen that for a long time. We are glad that you are now part of our family.

Ming: Thanks Auntie, uncle, Kieng.

Auntie: Stop calling us Auntie and uncle. Call us Ma and Pa, ok?

Ming: Thanks Ma and Pa. **I let out a sigh as if a big fishbone was taken out from my lungs. Then, the only thing left is my parents and sister. I hope that they can be as accepting as Kit's parents and brother.**

Uncle: Kieng, call Kit and Kannika to discuss the pregnancy further.

I went with Kieng to get my Kitkat. I saw him standing on his two feet and he was leaning against the door with Kannika at his side to support him. But I was too scared so I approached him and carried him in bridal style and brought him in the living room. Ma and Pa saw us and chuckled to themselves and so is Kieng and Kannika. I lay him down on the couch so he can sit comfortably.

Auntie: We need to discuss about your baby.

Kit: No Ma, babies. We will have a twin.


Woooah!!! They will have twins! I hope it's one girl or boy or two boys. Way to go Ming! Win win situation. I love Kit's parents they are so supportive and humble. I hope it goes the same on Ming's side. I know you wouldn't want another ex to get involve so I decided to change it. Sorry about publishing one chapter last night. I fell asleep because of the cold weather brought to us by the rain. I am in the process of writing the next chapter after this one. See you on next chapters!

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