Minerva and Moowan 3

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Minerva's POV

I packed my stuff and took Ming to his favorite restaurant and ate our favorite food before going to the serious stuff. We sat in one of the benches in the nearby park at our area.

Minerva: Ming, I need to leave you and finish my studies in US

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Minerva: Ming, I need to leave you and finish my studies in US. Will you be fine without me? I promise I will study hard and it will only take me 4 years there. I promise I will return as soon as I graduate.

Ming: I will be ok. I have Wayo with me. You don't have to worry about me. **I can see him holding back his tears.**

Minerva: Ooooh! Look at my baby brother growing up!

Ming: Hey! Stop teasing me! I know why you need to leave. You're doing this for both of us. So I need to man up since waiting is all I can do for now. Don't worry about me. Once I grew up and mature, I will be the one who do the protecting. So come back to our home as soon as possible. Ok?

Minerva: Yes, baby bro! I am gonna miss you. Take this. Use this mobile phone so we can talk everyday, ok? As if, I never left this country. I will call you every night. Make sure to take my call or I start making speculations. Ok?

Ming: You are such a worry wart! Hahaha

Minerva: What did you say brat? **I was tickling him as much that he is catching his breath from laughing.**

Ming: Stooo-ooop! Hahaha! I need to breathe!!! Hahaha!! Fine! Fine! Just stop ticking me. **I stopped tickling him and hugged him tightly.**

Minerva: I am gonna miss you baby bro. I am just a call away, you know that right?

Ming: I know sis. You basically my hero. But I need to be strong for your sake too so I can be your hero.

Minerva: My flight is tomorrow so see me off.

Ming: Yes, I will.

I've been away from home for a year and I call Ming everyday and he always answer my call. But, it's been two days that he is not taking any of my call. I started to speculate that something might happened to him like my parents using him as a trading tool without me to close the deal for them. I received Wayo's message in the middle of the class:

Wayo: Code-red. Ming is in danger.

Minerva: Copy that. Tell my brother, I will see him soon. I am booking a flight now.

Wayo: Copy.

This is bad. I excuse myself and left class. I started to book a flight but all the flights to Thailand are fully booked. The next flight is early morning tomorrow. I booked the earliest flight the next day. I started to pack my things and applied for a leave of absence good for six months and the reason is family emergency. I didn't tell my brother but I setup a spy cam at our living room to monitor the house while I'm away and just in case something might happen I didn't know.

I rewinded the video and watched the entire argument he had with our mother. Who's Moowan? Who are they talking about and about what? I watched the entire video and do an intensive research of the real estate company of Moowan's parents. I called my dad to know more about the deal.

I arrived to Thailand and started to research more about the company and their visions and missions so I can ensure closing the business deal. When I got back, I rented a motorcycle and studio apartment since I do not want to stay in our house and I knew that Ming isn't there so I think he can stay with me as we sort out everything. I didn't meet them up with Ming since I am focus in closing the deal but I observed him from afar time to time. I saw this beautiful girl stalking him. And who are those girls surrounding my baby brother? What the hell baby bro? Whats up with your new style so dark? I am just away for a year and you done some major fashion overhaul. Just wait for me baby brother. 

After a week of research and strategizing, it's time to close the deal.


Ming's POV

I was having fun with my girls, trying to forget that bitch when I felt that someone round house kicked me and then I saw my sister standing over me and lift my collar and she dragged me as she approached Wayo. 

Minerva: Are you Wayo?

Wayo: Ye----es... 

Ming: What the hell Minerva? 

Minerva: Thank you for taking care of this idiot. By the way, I'm Minerva, Ming's sister.

Ming: Why are you here? 

Minerva: Why I'm here? Did you look at yourself at the mirror? You're a walking emo zombie. Lifeless. Like all your energy has been sucked out from your body?

Ming: Well, talk to our mother about that. 

Minerva: Don't worry about that. I already gave her a piece of my mind. And, I already closed the deal and made another one with dad to leave you alone unless it's life and death situation. I already warned the Moowan girl who has been stalking around you these past few days. I think she is up to something. 

Ming: Oooh, such a great news! **I said sarcastically.**

Minerva: Oh baby brother? I thought you already man up as you promised me before I left and now you revert back to brat who is a cry baby and cry your way to sleep.

Ming: I just got my heart broken! As if you can understand that! You never been in love! **Ooops! I saw her expression changed. So she lift me up and I thought that she is gonna punch me but hugged me instead.**

Minerva: You know why I can't fall in love to anybody, right? Because I need to take care of you. I need to protect you. Once you are living the life you wanted with the person you love, that's the only time that I can think of myself. Did you get it? 

How can I forget all her sacrifices? She threw away her childhood and she grew up and mature to be a parent to me and not as a sister. How stupid I am to make the remark? How can I forget that she is my hero that I look up to? She's the only family I got right now. I just lose the girl I love but I am not gonna lose my sister, my hero. I hugged her back and started crying as I apologize to her.

Ming: I am sorry. It's just that it hurts too much. 

Minerva: It's fine. I'm here now. So I need you to pull yourself together. She maybe your first but she is definitely not your last. You will find the one you are destined to be with. Just be patient. When that person come, you world will turn upside down and you will fall in love again. When that time comes, love will be sweeter. More genuine. Right now, you need to man up! Mingkwan Dechapanya! I need you to get through this. Ok? Do you hear me?

She cupped my face with her hands as she looked into my eyes and asking me for confirmation. I stopped crying and wiped away my tears with my sleeves and nodded back. We both laughed as she helped wiped all my tears from my face. A student approached us and we were called in by our principal.


Oh no! What is it now? He is just starting to pull himself together. Damn Moowan! Hehehe, stay tuned. I am writing the next chapter! :) Hope you like this one.

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