133 • the happy ending

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Part 23 | the happy ending | :)

"Hey sexy." The muscular man checked Taehyung out from head to toe, smirking to himself.

"Uh hi." Taehyung responded.

It was his bachelor party.
And he was spending it in a gay bar.
With Jimin and Jin.

Jungkook in the other hand, was at a later tag place with Namjoon and Yoongi.

"So What brings you here?" The man asked slowly inching closer.

"Um just a bachelor party." He said.

"Well, wanna have some fun?" The man was inches away now, his face very close.

"Sorry he's taken." A harsh grab to his arm sent Taehyung flying into Jeongguk's arms.


The younger was death staring the man as the man backed off.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin and Jin called saying you kept getting hit on by a lot of dudes. Apparently something attracts them to you." Jeongguk's growled.

"I couldn't stand thinking of another man touching you."

Taehyung gulped, looking into Jeongguk's intimidating eyes.

"Let's get out of here."

Where am I?
Taehyung looks around.
A hotel.
It was messy, he saw a glimpse of Jimin's passed out body, cuddling up with stacks of pillows.

Today's my ducking wedding day!

Taehyung jumped up, the hangover kickback making his almost fall over again.


"I do I do I do!" Taehyung shouted, jumping in excitement.
"You May kiss the-

Taehyung launched himself into his new husband and gave him a long awaited kiss.
"I love you." Jeongguk whispered.

Everyone clapped and cheered for the newly weds.
They couldn't stop smiling.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Everyone yelled.

Jeongguk's chuckled and took the mic.
He looked deeply into Taehyung's eyes.

"When I first met you, my heart sparked.
Immediately I knew that something about
This odd, handsome rascal was special.
First night out together was amazing.
Were exactly what I was looking for.
Taehyung, my husband. I can't imagine a life
Without your daily jokes, burnt cooking
Skills, and contagious laugh. And I don't
Want to imagine it. Please stay by my side
Forever and I'll be happy. I love you hubby."

As soon as he finished everyone clapped, Taehyung smiling so hard and feeling a bit emotional.
It was his turn now.

Taehyung took the mic, Jeongguk's grabbing his hand and kissing it in the process, making Tae blush.

"Where do I start? My little Jeonggukie was so cute when I saw him in my office that day.
His cheeks were red as cherries and his hands kept fidgeting.
Seeing that cute bunny smile, and fluffy hair I knew that was the hair I wanted to be stroking as I fall asleep.
Jeongguk's such a kind hearted soul, and we're all so lucky to have him.
But he is mine now, so hands off!"

The crowd laughed.

"I know I'll love this man for eternity, cause I can't stop thinking of my future with him. Five kids, and six dogs."

The crowd laughed once more.

"I will never leave your side. Don't you ever worry...

My Officer Gguk."


It's over !!!!!!
I'm so happy that all those people who read this story can finally be happy.
Who doesn't love a good finished book?
I can't believe this book even got to where it is, considering my bad writing skills.
Thanks to anyone who read, voted, or commented. Y'all are the reason for me to write!
Check out some of my new stories that are about to come out!
Love to ALL


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