112 • the letter

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Part 2 | the letter | jjk pov

1Dear Officer Gguk,Now I hope that you have received my letter to you safely, as I want YOU and specifically YOU to be the head of MY case

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Dear Officer Gguk,
Now I hope that you have received my letter to you safely, as I want YOU and specifically YOU to be the head of MY case.
You may be wondering who I am and why I decided to write this fine letter.
Well read on friend! And then you'll maybe find out.
You see, I'm the cause of everyone's nail biting, head banging, and fearful nights.
I'm the one who mangled up poor Ms. Kang's body as she choked on her mighty old blood, screaming for people who lives miles away, to save her.
A dumb woman may I add, trying to hide in a dark alley far from cameras and humans.
She's just asking to be bloody murdered!
Well yeah, it's me Officer Gguk, V, the infamous killer who snapped the life away from an innocent middle aged woman.
Anyways, (I'm getting carried away) the reason I'm writing this letter to you, is because guess what? I saw you in your police uniform at Como's Convenience on Tuesday June 6th at 8:13Pm!
And man is it wrong for me to say I felt something in between my legs?
You are a fine man Officer Gguk.
Are you in any way interested in physco killers like me?
You instantly lured in my attention with your deadly (lol) looks and captivating eyes.
I want you to be the one looking through my files, biting your lips in frustration.
I want you to be the one who stays up all night searching for any clues.
I want you to be the one who catches me ( if you do) and hand cuffs me against the cold hard metal outsides of your cop car.
Is it too much to ask for Officer Gguk?
Your damn glare drives me insane! (Though I am already very out of mind.)
Doesn't this letter bother you? The fact that I got away a month after the incident. The fact that I'm nice and cozy at my typewriting desk, typing out this letter for you?
Such a beautiful day.
Its such a good day to swim, to dance, to funk out! And also to try and solve my case. (Which you won't.)
But! I want you to try, and maybe one day, we'll meet again.
Officer Gguk.

P.S if you go on CozyAloeVera.com, we may keep in touch.
P.P.S my username is Swimsuit88 :)

Jeon Jeongguk held the white paper in both his hands before dropping it onto this work desk.
He ran his fingers through his greasy hair and his entire body dropped.
What in the actual fuck.
He thought.

officer gguk | vkook ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora