129 • the final time

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Part 19 | the final time | v pov

1V took a good look at his knife, slightly dulled, but dripping with Jimin's blood

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V took a good look at his knife, slightly dulled, but dripping with Jimin's blood.

He watched Officer Gguk, crying over Jimin's resting body, pleading for him to come back, or all those types of bull shit.

As he was about to end Jeongguk's life, something stopped him.
It was himself.

"Jeongguk!" He yelled, involuntarily.

Jeongguk looked up to see the killer, losing balance and almost falling over.

V was being controlled by Taehyung, he wouldn't let him kill Jeongguk.

Taehyung forced V to take off his mask, his sweat drenched face finally looking eye-to-eye with the former Officer.

"T-Taehyung? No, no.." Jeongguk sat in fear, how could it be Taehyung?

"Jeongguk- I Please!" Taehyung kept holding his stomach in pain. "Just, argh! Run!"

Jeongguk got up but stumbled back, seeing Taehyung suddenly burst out in a dark energy.

That was the same aura 'Taehyung' gave when he was at the house.
It looked and smelled like Taehyung,
But it was not Taehyung.

V saw Jeongguk, he was slowly backing away from him.

"J-Jeongguk!" He tried to look wimpy and weak.

Jeongguk knew it wasn't the real Taehyung, but seeing Taehyung's body look so damaged, it hurt him.

He found himself getting closer to the boy wanting to just embrace him like all the times before, kissing his sensitive cheeks.

"No. You're not him!" Jeongguk yelled backing away again.

V looked up, shit it didn't work.
Well I guess I'll have to kill him in the open.

I lunged at Jeongguk, knife in hand ready to fucking kill his selfish ass already.

My blade sunk into the fresh layer of flesh, digging in deeper.
Blood poured out of my mouth as I looked down to see my knife, was inside of me.

"I'm sorry Jeongguk." Taehyung said, falling to the ground, gagging and tears falling out.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk immediately noticed Taehyung's real voice and ran up the shaking boy.

Taehyung has stabbed himself, to finally get rid of V, and to protect Jeongguk.

Jeongguk's warm touch made the cold night a lot more bearable.
As he looked up to the clear sky.

"You don't die on me Alright?" Jeongguk's sobbed, looking around in Taehyung's pockets for a phone.

He found the phone, and now he called 901.

Taehyung could hear Jeongguk's panicked voice beg for medical assistance as it also started to fade away.

"Jeongguk, I love you." Taehyung mumbled.

Beep beep beep.

He woke up to a loud machine right next to his aching head.
As soon as he woke up, a shooting pain punched him right in the stomach.

He lofted his shirt to reveal a large bandage covering it up.

"Park Jimin? I see you're awake." A fragile looking nurse said.

"Yeah I am." He smirked.

I guess Jeongguk fucking did it.
He caught the killer.

"Alright let me just check your blood pressure, andddddd would it be alright if a sir named Jeongguk come in to visit you?" She asked.

"Tell him to come in please." Jimin said.

"He'll be right in." The nurse walked out in her clacky heels swaying her thin hips.

Then, Jeongguk entered, face damaged but a bright feeling to it.

"You did it man." Jimin smiled, "You actually fucking did it."

"Actually, I technically didn't." Jeongguk purses his lips, ready to tell his friend a very long story of what happened after he became unconscious.

"The killer got away." He started.

Guys I'm emotional, this story got 1k and I'm so happy!!!
Omg thank you guys a lot.

officer gguk | vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now