111 • the first killing

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Part 1 | the killing | ? POV

1She held tightly onto her expensive purse, looking back to see the same tall figure still following her

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She held tightly onto her expensive purse, looking back to see the same tall figure still following her.
Her beating heart was beating even faster now, legs, lightly jogging at this point.

The dark figure was slowly catching up, its long legs giving it a big advantage.
Kang Yoona was full-on running now, hearing heavy, quick footsteps chasing behind her.

She quickened her pace, almost sprinting down the dark, isolated streets, looking back one more time to see
no one.

Absolutely nobody.

Her heart slowed down, rushing into an alley to hide and call the police.
Her fingers typed in 9,1,1 and as she was about to press enter, a large object smashed her phone to the ground, breaking it into millions of pieces.

Her head turned to see the same, horrifying, figure hovering over her with a disturbing clown mask, holding an axe.

Before she could let out a bloody scream, the clown buried its blade deep into her face, silencing her for eternity.

Her body went limp after a couple of spine chilling twitches.
Just in a snap of a finger, she was gone.

The killer smiled, pulling out the bloody axe, and hitting her with it multiple times, disfiguring her body and face.

A psycho, you would think they were.
But in that moment, all they could think about was the joy of pulling another human soul out from this world.

Making the once peaceful neighbourhood a chaotic, fear filled, mess.

The killer removed his mask revealing a rather handsome face, holding in his laughter from this joyous event.
1 month later
Officer Gguk sat in his spinning chair, munching on his favourite snacks, watching the daily news.

"Kang Yoona, a beautiful 24 year old woman who was brutally killed on July 27, Wednesday 2018. Even after a month, her killer still remains a mystery, as her family desperately seeks vengeance. Tonight at Parkland ST. We will be having a memorial service for her loss." The woman rambled on.

The officer sat on the edge of his seat, foot tapping repeatedly in frustration.
This was the case that drove him nuts.

He jerked up from his chair, getting a minor head ache, before running into his office.
He rummaged through the files not finding a thing.

"Namjoon!" He yelled for his assistant, but getting no reply. "NAMJOON!"
After a couple seconds of silence,
"whaaatt." The older yelled back.
"Get your non existing ass in my office!" He sighed and plopped onto his office chair.

He heard the quick footsteps, rushing to his office, before seeing the tall, older, wiping some white powder onto his black dress shirt.

"You wanted me sir?" Joon asked, donut crumbs scattered around his lips.

"Get me the files from the Kang Yoona killing. I need to check something." Officer Gguk opened his laptop, letting his fingers dance around the keys.

[Kang Yoona]
"She was all we had. She was our baby. He took her away from us. That heartless...
click here to see the disturbing after kill of the beautiful Kang Yoona...
ex boyfriend Park Jimin's interview will shock everyone...

His mouse lingered on the third link.
Park Jimin? Ex boyfriend?
That's when Kim Namjoon interrupted his thoughts, out of breath, with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Here you go Sir." He handed the younger the files before getting shooed off.

After hours of tired, careful, studying, Jeon Jeongguk was tuckered.

His eye lids were heavy, his chest was falling, and his entire body was drained from energy.

He thought.
Coffee sounds freaking amazing right now.
Aside from being close to dead, Officer Gguk got up from his desk and made his jolly way to the coffee machine.

His tired eyes shutting continuously, suddenly spotting a strange, rectangular, white object on the pitch black coffee machine.

It was made of paper, with the bold letters
To: Officer Gguk
Fr: Me!

It was a letter.

I'm so excited for this book and don't worry I'm gonna be updating my other book often too, but I'm a huge procrastinator so wish me luck and motivate me by voting!!!

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