123 • the roommate

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Part 13 | the roommate | kth pov

Part 13 | the roommate | kth pov

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"I'm going to the bathroom." Taehyung stated to his new body guard.

He got up from his chair and started walking to the door, when he realized that Kangyoon was following him.

"You're going to follow me to the bathroom too? What's next? You gonna hop in the shower with me?" Taehyung semi yelled.

"It's my job sir." Kangyoon said, looking straight ahead.

"I just wanna take a shit in peace, please, just this once?" What Taehyung said made the tall man sit on the office couch.

"I'll be waiting. If you don't come back by 10 minutes, I'll be busting up bathroom stalls." Kangyoon crossed his legs and ripped open a cosmopolitan magazine.

"Ugh Whatever." Taehyung then finally walked to the bathroom alone.

"Is Mr. Kim here?" He heard.

To his right was the one person he hadn't seen in weeks.
The boy who made him feel empty, and abandoned.

Jeon Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk?" Taehyung said making Ggukie run up and hug him tightly.

"I've missed you." Was all he said.

"I-I... me too." Taehyung smiled, he missed this feeling.

"Your my body guard again?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"No I'm just here to see you. I wanted to tell you that I'm not mad about what happened, and that I'm trying to figure out who the V killer is." Jeongguk was glad to finally catch up with his former boss.

"Jeongguk-ah, how are you going to pay for food and such if you have no job?" Taehyung was worried for him.

Looking into Jeongguk's eyes, feeling lust, Taehyung started to question, do I love him?

"-so I'm looking for a roommate." Was what he heard after zoning out.

Taehyung was still living in his sickly poor house, even though he has made lots of money at his new job.

Maybe it's time he moves into a better place.

"Well, Ggukie, if you'd let me, I'd love to be your roommate?" Taehyung fiddled with his thumbs.
Please say yes, please say yes.

"Of course Tae! I'd love that!" Jeongguk came in for a hug, and a hug he got.

"You smell good." Taehyung whispered.

"What?" Jeongguk wasn't sure if he had heard right.
Taehyung said he smelled good??

"Nothing!" The Hyung pulled away, flustered but excited.

He would be living with Jeon Jeongguk.

jjk pov
"I made ya dinner." Jeongguk pealed his head into Taehyung's new room and saw the boy sleeping on the bed.

Looking cuter than ever.

Jeongguk smiled, before whispering to himself.
"How do you make me feel this way?"

The house felt so much less empty, ever since Taehyung moved in.

And it felt good to have someone with him after Hoseok's passing.

Jeongguk quietly tucked Taehyung into bed, pulling the blanket over his resting body.

He then leaned in for a peck on the forehead.

His eyes lingered on Taehyung's lips before he pulled back.
He's sleeping you weirdo.

Jeongguk left the room, and made his way to eat. All alone.

Taehyung laid on his new comfy bed, trying his best not to squeal.

"Jeongguk kissed me!"
He thought.

I was on a trip which is why I posted this chapter late! Suri but not sorry :)
Jk I'll try to post more to make up to your gois LOL - lots of love

Love you guys! Hope school hasn't started for the lot of you!

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