117 • the crush

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Part 7 | the crush | jjk pov

Part 7 | the crush | jjk pov

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Crap crap crap.
Why does he have to be so...

How am I gonna control my cheeks.
It's already heating up, and I'm so far away from him.

When they said Mr. Kim, I thought of an old fat man, but nope.
He looks... so good looking.

"Hello Jeon Jeongguk, you can call me Taehyung." His raised his arm for a handshake, and I hesitantly shook it.

"Alright Taehyung," Eye contact was avoided, but I could tell he was looking at me.

"I'll leave you two for a moment." Jiwoo smiled before leaving the room with swaying hips.

"How bout we sign that contract?" Taehyung's eyes met mine, in which I quickly looked away.

"Alrighty mighty mate."

"Alrighty mighty mate?" Hoseok screeched.

"Alrighty mighty mate." Jeongguk confirmed, head down, disappointed.

"You said that, to your new hot boss?!" Hoseok laughed out loud, being extra, and slamming is fists in the table.

"I know I know, I messed up everything." A sigh left Jeongguk's mouth, before his head fell down onto the table.

"I'm sure he thought it was cute." The Hyung reassured his younger.

"Oh Yeah, how'd things go with that Yoongi guy?" Jeongguk asked curious, not knowing it would push Hoseok's buttons.

Hoseok cleared his throat,
"We decided that we would be just friends."

"We, or you? Cause he seemed to be a lot more broken when I left you two alone." Jeongguk saw Hoseok's shaky hands, and clenched jaw and decided to let it go.

"Anyways, back to my hot boss." Jeongguk took a deep breath rest to blabber on about how he messed things up and how hot Taehyung's was was when-

"I love him." Hoseok eyes watered and his cheeks were relaxed.

"But he cheated on me. And I can't take him back, because I fucking just know I'll get hurt again! And I just wish so damn hard he didn't do it, so we could be happy! Fuck!" Hoseok harshly pulled at his hair, crying his heart out.

"Hyung.." Jeongguk was shocked, and heart broken.

"I'm sorry Gguk-ah. For letting everyone down."

Kim Taehyung sat in the dripping bathtub with one thing on his mind.
Officer Gguk.

His tight fitted suit, that was ready to pop off with one flex of his large muscles.

His side parted hair that perfectly landed on his forehead, showing bits of his eyebrows but not too much.

Those innocent round eyes, that made Jiwoo's diamond necklace look dull and old.

And also, that uneasy feeling of déjà vu that gave Taehyung shivers.

He felt like he knew Jeongguk.
But how...

His eyes opened in a dramatic way.

His body left the bath tub soaking, but also gracefully.
His long arm reached to his phone before humming along to the radio that was playing.

It read.
Type type type.

Officer Gguk, would you like to have a drink with me tonight?

Officer Gguk, would you like to have a drink with me tonight?

Jeongguk licked his lips.

Sure sir!
I'll meet you at Tipsy's at 10!

A sly low chuckle danced out of Taehyung's mouth.
GUYS IM SO SO SORRY for the late update:(
I've been SUPER DUPER busy lately and I can't even edit this chapter.
But I hope you enjoyed guys cause I'm really liking this series.
And I hope you guys too!!!
I edited this chapter so you're welcome chilren

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