121 • the lonely boy

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Part 11 | the lonely boy | jhs pov

1The midnight breeze tickled my cheeks as I walked down the dimly lit sidewalk

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The midnight breeze tickled my cheeks as I walked down the dimly lit sidewalk.

I couldn't sleep.

I have so many things I want to do in Busan, and walking around at night was one of them.

Thinking of stuff, like finally making my mom proud.

The thought of her angelic smile made Hoseok chuckle and lighten up.

I wish I could be in her arms right now.. I miss her.

Suddenly to my right I heard a groan. Loud and clear.

It was located in a dark alley.
I quickly turned on my iPhone flash light and slowly examined the alley.

A man was laying on the ground.
His face was covered, but he was in pain.

"Sir are you alright?" I ran up and shook the man.

He was twitching in a crazy and disturbing way.

Jung Hoseok laid on the cold rocky ground, gasping for air.

The deep open stab wounds were cold against the chilly air.

His cheek spilling out blood from the blade of a monster.

The usual happy, cheerful Hoseok, was scared for the first time in his life.

He was scared, of being forgotten, abandoned, alone.

The culprit walked away in no shame, leaving Hoseok to die, all alone.

"I don't want to die alone." He sobbed, too weak to let out another sentence.

He looked up to the empty sky and let his eyes shut.
"I'm sorry Mom." Was his final words.

"Hyung I made breakfast!" Jeongguk woke up early to greet his lovely Hyung with a full buffet like breakfast.

But no one answered.

"Hobi Hyung?" His calls echoed through the halls, as he made his way to the guest bedroom.

"What the.." the room was empty, nothing and no one in sight.

Jeongguk ran to the living room to get his phone, and on his TV screen was something he wished he hadn't seen.


His phone had 6 missed calls from many people. One of them being Hoseok's.

He felt a shooting pain travel up his body, tears involuntarily filling up his eyes.

He dialed up Jin's number, hands shaky, wanting to believe his Hyung was ok.

"Jin Hyung... please tell me what I just saw on the new isn't true." His voice was weak and pained.

"Jeongguk, I'm so sorry." Jin's voice was obviously tired and sad.

Jeongguk hung up quickly, wiping a tear to dial Hoseok's number.

"Please please please pick up!" After a couple rings, and no answer, he felt dizzy.


Beep beep beep.

He dropped the phone and fell to his knees.
"Please." Was all he said before falling onto the ground, hysterically crying.

I'm sorry guys.

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