118 • the drunk boys

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Part 8 | the drunk boys | kth pov

1"Officer Gguk, I get to know people by drinking with them

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"Officer Gguk, I get to know people by drinking with them." Kim Taehyung, or V, smirked, pouring the boy a shot of cold soju.

"Bottoms up." He said, before downing the liquid in one go.

Jeongguk made a sour face, the burning alcohol rushing through his veins.

Taehyung stared at the handsome police officer, admiring the view.

"Another?" Jeongguk asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
His bosses stares were too intense, it made him feel hot and embarrassed.

"Always." Taehyung offered his shot glass, which Jeongguk poured up to the rim filled with soju.

Very soon the two boys got drunk.
Very very drunk.

"Hahahahdvsnnaahha, Officer Ggukyour hilariounse." Taehyung slurred, burying his face in Jeongguk's neck.

Jeongguk was too drunk to feel flustered, he just laughed and started to pet Taehyung's head.

"Let's go to mine." Jeongguk whispered into Taehyung's ear.

"Alrighty mighty mate." The older said, earring  cute laugh from Jeongguk.

They were staring at each other.

Jeongguk had just made a joke about fish cakes, and as soon as they stopped laughing, they were staring at each other.
Both hungry for a kiss.

"Mr. Kim." Jeongguk said in a tired but curious voice.

"Yes Officer Gguk?" Taehyung said.

"Is it ok if I kiss you?" The younger leaned in just a bit, waiting.

"Kiss me." Taehyung pushed in, closing the enpty space and pressing his soft lips onto Jeongguk's.

They had just met yesterday but they were already kissing, and walking into Jeongguk's bedroom.

Jeongguks bit Taehyung's bottom lip, making him moan in the slightest.

"Officer Gguk, please be gentle~" Taehyung now allowed Jeongguk to do whatever he wanted.

This was all Taehyung wanted.

Or at least this side of Taehyung.

kth pov
My head is shitting me right now.

What did I even do last night?
I only remember taking a bath?

"Ughg." The groan that Taehyung heard right beside him woke him up in an instant.

It was none other than the infamous police officer, Jeon Jeongguk.
He sat up, oddly feeling pain on his bottom.

"What the heck!" He yelled, regretting the fact that he yelled, because he got a headache from the sudden outburst.

"Mr. Kim?" Jeongguk was awake now, and looked shocked.

"Jeongguk, where are we, and why the hell does my ass hurt?" Taehyung covered his naked body with his cotton sheets.

"You don't remember last night?" Jeongguk, was hurt, but also very confused?

It was definitely a night he wouldn't have forgotten.

"No.. what happened last night... no. Did we.. Did we?!?!!" Taehyung freaked.

First of all, he was late to his first day as a CEO, second he slept with his body guard, third his ass was in unbelievable pain!

"We had sex." Jeongguk made it clear and simple.

"But.... why can't I remember any of it?" Taehyung ribbed his temples, so frustrated that he could remember sleeping with his hot body guard.

"I should go."The older said, getting a nod as response.

"I'll see you at work sir..." The maknae watched Taehyung rush out to the front door.

Jeongguk fell onto his bed, staring at the blank ceiling.

Suddenly the door opened, making Jeongguk jump.


"Just me Gguk." Hoseok was peeking his head out.

"Hobi Hyung wadda you want?" Jeongguk said sassily.

"I want to know who you were wrecking last night. I couldn't fucking sleep! 'Uh officer Gguk!' Was all I fucking heard!" Hoseok was flaming, eye bags heavier than ever.

"It was the hot boss..."

"No way! You scored!" Hoseok's face changed into a more way-to-go-bro face.

"No no no. He couldn't even remember it. I mean yeah we drank A LOT. But I still remember it, I mean it was pretty intense." Jeongguk bit his lip, looking down at his twirling thumbs.

"Yo TMI bro." Hoseok chuckled. "Maybe he's the type who is a hit-it-and-quit-it type of guy."

"Yeah, maybe." Jeongguk, looked out the window onto his driveway, a shiny yellow light blinding his view.

He jumped of his bed and pushed past Hoseok, bolting to his driveway.
When he finally made it to the object he saw a nice simple golden ring.

On the inside he saw lettering.
This is a boring story sorry if it's boring but maybe it's not to some of y'all.

officer gguk | vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now