130 • the guardian

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Part 20 | the guardian | kth pov

1I woke up, ignoring all the pain that was rushing through my body

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I woke up, ignoring all the pain that was rushing through my body.
I finally knew why I couldn't remember those nights.

And why I would find drops of mysterious blood on days my body would ache.

I was a killer.

But I saved Jeongguk.
But also, I killed so many people.

A nurse noticed my awakening and very quickly rushed to my side.

"Mr. Kim are you alright? Do you recall anything that happened last night?" The woman asked, panic visible in her eyes.

"Where's Jeongguk?" Was all I said, with a rough raspy voice.

The nurse, Rosa, sighed, before walking off to bring in a teary Jeongguk.

"Tae." Jeongguk said before running up to hug me.

I groaned at the sudden impact, since I was still a stab victim, but I gladly took him in.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you were hurt." Jeongguk mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"Well it's worth hugging you." Taehyung smiled feeling so glad that V, was now gone forever.

You see, V was developed into Taehyung's brain at the age of 18, when his mother had killed herself to escape from his abusive father, leaving Taehyung alone.

He never truly forgave her leaving him, as his father would blame him for her death, and beat him mercilessly.

His trauma and mental pain, created V, a second personality who was fearless and careless, to sort of take care of Taehyung.

V ran away from Taehyung's father to save Taehyung and got a job by the age of 20.

Taehyung cried from the loneliness wishing he could still feel his mother's embrace.

That's when V got Taehyung a puppy, a cute golden retriever named Crosby to fulfill his sane needs.

V's intent was to always look out for his other self, but as time went by, V's tactics got violent and gruesome.

Killing the woman who spat on his shoe, killing his boss for Taehyung to get a better job, and killing anyone who got in the way of Taehyung's happiness.

Taehyung's happiness was Jeongguk.

As time passed, seeing that Taehyung wanted no part in these harsh acts, stabbing himself to protect Jeongguk from V.

V finally realized that it was him who got in the way of Taehyung's happiness.
He decided to say his final goodbyes and left Taehyung's body forever.

Taehyung eyes watered finally understanding that V was his guardian of some sort.
'I forgive you.'
He thought.

"Hey guys look!" Jimin wheeled in with his wheelchair, you could see his excitement.

"We get wheelchairs motherfuckers!"

Taehyung and Jeongguk laughed watching Jimin pressing buttons to move the electric wheelchair on its own.

Taehyung looked at the two laughing boys, seeing them laugh, made him feel healed.
He finally felt loved, and happy.

10 months later >>

"Look at how nice our house is!" Jeongguk shined so bright looking like a lost puppy in the gigantic house.

Speaking of puppies, Crosby chimed in, instantly running around the counter barking at trees and birds.

Taehyung slowly walked up to his fiancée, laughing, so happy that they found each other.

Jeongguk suddenly swept Tae off his feet, kissing him deeply.
Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's neck, as the younger spun him around, their lips still locked.

"Can't you do that when I'm gone?" Jimin had three boxes stacked on top of each other, walking into the clean floors with muddy shoes.

He made a puking motion and walked to the kitchen with the cutlery.
"Those love birds." He whispered to himself.

Taehyung giggled, holding onto Jeongguk's waist as Jeongguk had his arms around Tae's shoulders.

They watched Jimin put away the bowls and Crosby outside, trying to catch a butterfly.
Things couldn't get better.

"Hey Chim!" Jeongguk called.

"Hey! I'm still your Hyung rascal! Anyways, what?" Jimin turned, with spoons and forks stacked in his hands.

"Should we get the gang and get some dinner?" Jeongguk smiled, watching Jimin jump up and down.

"Oh hell yeah! I'll go call my boyfriend!" Jimin ran off as Jeongguk got his phone and typed to the group chat.

- Dinner at Tipsy's 6PM! Me and Tae are paying!

The entire chat blew up with happiness as the hungry men praised Jeongguk for his sudden manliness.

He ignored the chats and simply kissed his lover on the forehead.
"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you more." Taehyung answered.

Guys the next few chapters are gonna be more fluff? So be prepared!
Ah I love Taekook, they're so cute!

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