124 • the interview

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Part 14 | the interview | jjk pov

1 I looked through the files Jin Hyung had given me

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I looked through the files Jin Hyung had given me.
So many leads.

My head is spinning, and I feel very discouraged.
No, I have to do this. For me, for Hoseok, and for this town.

One of the bigger leads were Park Jimin, Kang Yoona's ex boyfriend.
I have his number, and all I have to do now is call him.

Ring ring ring.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Park Jimin right?" I said right away.
"Yes, who's this?"

"My name is Jeon Jeongguk, and I'm investigating the Kang Yoona case. Would it be possible for me to get an interview with you?" Jeongguk waited for an answer.

"No." Jimin simply answered.

Jeongguk sighed and cleared his throat.

"Lookie here brother, I'm a former cop Alright? And trust me, everyone is leaning towards you being the killer and I know after lots of people getting angry at the police for not catching this killer, so they're probably just going to pin it to the one who's most likely." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"So with this interview, you can convince me that your not the killer, I give a tip to my former boss, and then bam, you're off the list."

The other end was silent for a good minute.
"I'll do it." Was all that was said to form a smirk on Jeongguk's face.

"I told her we were over, and she packed her stuff and left." Jimin's eyes stayed glued on the table, as Jeongguk wrote the info down on his yellow legal pad.

"And so you never saw her ever since?" It's been 44 minutes of nothing but basically the same things over and over.

"No, except I think I saw her wandering near my apartment building. I heard some noises so I peaked outside, I swear I saw Yoona looking panicked, running or jogging away from something.

I think I saw a silhouette too, but my cat distracted me, and when I looked back, she and the figure was gone."

Jeongguk was thinking too hard, he forgot to write it down, good thing he had a video recording.

"And this was the day before her body was found?" The former officer asked.

"No, it was two days before, but the autopsy said she was killed the day before her body was found, so it's very possible." Jimin had revealed everything now, he wouldn't hold back.

He felt like he could trust Jeongguk.

"So Jimin, I want to thank you for doing this interview with me, you have my number so don't hesitate to contact me." Jeongguk started cleaning things up.

"Jeongguk? Um, well I was wondering if you'd like to maybe get a drink with me? I have some things I still need to tell you but I need to get a drink first." Jimin said.

"About the killings?" Jeongguk asked.

"Yes." Jimin hoped he wouldn't refuse. It was something he needed to know, but he didn't want any cameras or note pads.

"Alright let's go."

Oof Jimin is bisexual in this story btw to those who don't know.

I'm gonna try to update more I promise! I might do an double update tonight!!! 💓

officer gguk | vkook ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang