......Why come back

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As we're eating in silence Ruby said something to break it "soooooooo why hide yourselves from us?" She said "*sigh* We all want to protect the ones we love yes? Well sometimes we make sacrifices even if it means we can't see our loved ones for awhile. You see Ruby there is more then just fighting grim. Ruby remember when that girl tortured me and stabbed you do you remember her asking where the relic was?" I asked Ruby "Umm yeah but what does this have t-" I cut her off "we a have our secrets Ruby and Ozpin has a lot of them, one of them being from an old story about four maidens to which there power opens certain doors that contain a relic." I said with a serious look "now anymore questions?" I asked to which no one replied or asked anything

"Im going to talk to neo I dont think it's the ice cream that's got her mad at me I think it's me in general." I said while picking up my plate with barley any food ant threw into the sink and made my way out of the kitchen "hey mom thanks for breakfast." I said and with that I left the kitchen and went up stairs to my room and found it shut. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked "Neo open up what's wrong and dont you put a note saying everything's fine something got you mad, you wouldn't have tried to kill me over some damn ice cream." I said to her to which my reply was an open door and a right hook to the jaw and that one was with anger I can tell from her looking angry at me "Neo you can do more than that and you know it, just let all of it out cry, hit, smash, sex?" I said to her but she hugged me and bawled her eyes out trying to catch her breath while crying and I hugged her back; to see her this sad made me almost regret faking my death "it's ok just let it all out Neo." I said to her in a calming voice "may.... I ask why are you crying  it hurts me to see cry so I want solve what the problem is no matter how big it is if involves you, or the little one." I said but the last part I pointed at Neo's stomach. 

She just cried and cried, "Neo go downstairs and eat and explain the problems that you have to my mom if you dont want to speak to me." I said to which she nodded and walked downstairs "*sigh* why the hell was I even born, I either kill or drive them away only some of them are Ruby and Summer, but neo seems distance, ahhhhhh! it was so simple back then now it's like shit has hit the fan, what the hell am I going to do well I still got one job to do and it's to let Zalgo out and it's going to be hell on remnant. Maybe they were right about me and summer and Ruby them were wrong maybe I am nothing more than a waste of space." I wonder if slender can help me with this problem I thought as I was walking down stairs and then I seen Tai "hey Tai.....I'll be leaving so tell them I going somewhere and I'll be back." I said while walking past him when I reached for the knob Tai said something "why did you come back?to hurt me emotionally or something?" He said to me "that information is classified why I came back but I'll tell you this it wasn't because of you it was because of something else alright and like my letter said when I 'died' I forgave you so dont think I came back to make your life a living hell." I said to him turning the knob on the door opening it and shutting it on the way out.

Summers POV

Neo's Eyes where puffy and pink mostly likely from crying she stopped she pointed to ruby and pointed to the the living room and mouthed 'leave' to which they did and she turned to me and mouthed 'talk' as she sat on the chair next to my left. "So what's on your mind daughter in law." I said to her with smile to hopefully help comfort her. She grab a pen paper and wrote down 'Does Mitch Hate me did he find another girl why did he fake his own death and made me depressed for two years.' To which at the end she sniffled a bit "listen Neo he left to protect everyone he loves so he listened to what his heart told him and that was fake his death to protect you from people who were trying to kill him and plus I know your having mood swings because you were about have sex last night to which I don't recommend because it could possibly hurt them anyways I am getting sidetracked l, but Neo dont worry about happend the pass and another thing all he did basically was talk about you so he could have never found a girl he's main reason of coming back was you. So Neo please control those mood swings."

Mitch POV

"YOU DID WHAT!" slenderman yelled
"I made deal with zalgo to kill you but I changed it during the four years I was presumed dead but I still need to free him or else he's going to take over my body so let's break him out and kill this son of bitch si stop yelling and start training!" Yelled back "alright where's hoodie we need t op find him and get the pasta's back together." He said "hehe about hoodie you know he was working with Salem so I killed well more like overkill and I forgot to say but another part of the deal was to kill Salem as well sooooooooo....."I said trailing off "AHHHHH! once this is over Mitch I'm gonna kill you for making my life a living hell." He said last part mor calmly "Need I remind you that you almost killed me so...yeah, try something else." I said to him "*sigh* let's just get the pastas for war."

Well that happen so yeah been awhile sorry writers block and school stuff and had to get a ingrown toenail removed so yeah what can I say but shut happend ohh yeah I also watched Battle Royal 2 reccomend you watch Battle Royal 1 & 2 ( in English subbed)they were great movies anyways bye.

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