The Reunion

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Ruby's POV

"M-mom is that you" i said with a surprised look on my face "yeah it's  her now Neo now that your pregnant your going to eat healthy that means only one ice cream cone per two weeks also-" he didn't get to finish because neo was already gone presumably to the freezer to get the tub of ice cream we have. "NEO DONT YOU DARE EAT ALL THAT TUB OF ICE CREEEAM!"

I started to laugh a little "those two are made for each other." I said out loud "that's what mitch always said that they were a match made in hell."

I laughed but it was cut short by my mother "soooooo Ruby I heard from mitch that you are in a relationship specifically a girl with a white dress?"
I blushed at her question "uhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe." I said saying the last part with a high pitch voice "now tell me Ruby Rose does she treat my little flower right? Is she abusive? Is she a drunk? Is she pretty? Is she taller than you? Did you guys have sex yet? Does she take you out on dates? Has she cheated-" I cut my mom off there

"MOOOOOOM! stop with questions you'll meet her she is coming over to visit and also one question at a time please, and also can you make those cookies when I was younger?"

"Sure sweetie but do note this me and your father are not going to be together not after want happened to mitch." She said but she walked to the the back door opened right where the kitchen and by then I knew this going to be hard to explain "M-m-mom?" A voice known as Yang came from the door then I heard a yell and a crash


"Neo, I just want our kid to be healthy ok-" I got caught off by a high pitch scream "MIIIIIIITCH!" the female voice said the one I known for a long time it was Sally's "hey-oof" I was caught off again as Sally had tackled me "*sob* mitch I missed you so much...*whispering* please dont be another dream please dont be another dream." Sh said "dont worry Sally this isn't a dream I promise." I said she lifted her head up and sniffles "pinky promise?" she said and lifted up her finger  "yep I pinky promise sally." I said as I wrapped my pinky around hers "now can you please get off me Sally; you see your step sister here doesn't want to have healthy for the baby." After I said that she got up immediately and looked at Neo

" you better eat healthy for the baby because aunt Sally wants to take care of them." Sally said in a firm voice to I guess threaten her I guess but it wasn't very hostile it was pretty funny with her high pitch voice

5 hours later

I was in my old room with Neo we were both almost naked  I was in my  underwear and neo haveing her bra and panties on still. I was kissing neo on the lips but then i was slowly starting to get to her neck and when I did I found her sweet spot and started sucking on thier and I was moving my hand down to her thighs and the other to her chest but then
The door opens the squeaky noice alerted us so stopped and looked behind me to just reveal my mother "MOM SHUT THE DOOR " I said but she was looking at the plate of cookies in her hand and then looked up at us and bed and I was guessing that she going to ask if we wanted cookies
"Mitch I'll do it in a second but do yo-AHHHHHH OH MY OUM IM SO SORRY!" She said the last part fast while running ou the door screaming and slammed the door shut

" welp there goes mood I'm guessing." I said to neo which she shook her head yes "*sigh* I'll go talk to my mom." I said to Neo still with only with my underwear on I walked to the door turn the knob and swung it open and went down stairs my find my mom on the couch blushing "hey uh mom should have knocked first." I said to her "you guys should have told me you guys were doing it or hang a sign on the door!" She yelled while still blushing "well that ain't as bad as seeing your sister naked and making out with her girlfriend" I said trying to forget that time I walked in on Ruby then I started to think something weird out loud " is it a cock block or vaginal block since you know it was my sister and her girlfriend." I said "listen I dont know how to answer that question but go upstairs to your fiancé, have fun without having sex." She said "oh there is no way in hell we will be having sex tonight after you walked in it kinda killed the mood so we'll watch some tv or something." I said laughing as I seen my mother blush "well mom goodnight." I said to her before going back up stairs to my room I then heard the tv going on in my room I walked in and Neo was sound asleep, well might as well get some rest I thought bfmefore laying on the bed and closing my eyelids for sleep to overcome me

Ruby POV

I woke up and seen Weiss next to me that's when it hit me I never properly introduce Weiss to my mom so I got up and did my morning routine once I was done though of something to do for old time sake I grabbed a whistle on my dresser went close to Weiss's ear and then blew the whistle and hard as I could "ahhhhhh, you dolt why would do that." She scolded me like when we first became a team "for old time sake and I never introduce you properly to my mom ever since she came back she just asked questions about you/us before you came and never answered them and she just wants to meet you and also by the smell of bacon, breakfast is being cooked." I said to her

"*sigh* I can never stay mad at you can I." She said to which i replied with nope popping the p in the word "now come on the food is probably almost done" I said walking towards the door and opening it and going down stairs to see mom cooking and dad looking a little sad but more mad

" c'mon summer you can't be like that I said I was sorry mitch even forgave me." My dad said " he may have for gave but I can't remember the plan B in the note the noose under the mattress." She said "summer please we can still be together." He tried again "I'm sorry Tai but my answer still the same but if mitch forgave you I forgive but we are just friends from now on." She said in calm voice while dad got up and left through the back door by the way he was walking he was angry.

"Hi uh mom." I said to her "oh hi sweetie breakfast is almost ready why dont you wake up Mitch and Neo for me please......and Make sure to knock as well oh and Weiss while your down here tell me more about your self." She said the first part to me and the last part to Weiss, b uh t I have bad feeling of the questions she is going to  ask. I walked up the stairs and went to mitch's room and knocked "hey mitch breakfast is almost ready so you know get up." I said through to which I got a ok from the other but also heard him say something to neo about getting dress unless she wants to do it right now. I was walking down stairs and went into the kitchen and seen my mom smiling and putting the food on the table, but when I looked at Weiss she was well blushing she just looked so red like some painted her with red paint "you picked a good one Ruby I approve." Mom said to me "hey Weiss are you....ok?" I said to her

"hm yeah I'm fine just the question your mother asked were questionable." She said "what-" I was cut off as I heard mitch running down the stairs"oh shit on shit on shiiiit." I heard  and we heard other footsteps running down the stairs and seen Neo in her bra and panties and mitch ran in the kitchen and ran on the opposite side of the table Neo was facing "Neo calm down ok there is no need to get worked about this ok just because I threw away the tub of ice cream does not mean you can kill me ok so go get dress and we can talk about it during breakfast." He said she just glared at him and she just looked and a went upstairs but not without flipping him off "we'll do that later!" Mitch said "*sighs* good morning everyone because I had a stressful one." He said to us "*sigh* your not the only one." My mom said as she "well dig in every one by the way Yang was mad I told her about tai and I not being together so she is out there I wrapped her plate and her dads in tinfoil so just eat eveyone."

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