An Idea Is Indestructible

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Mitch's POV

"Get behind me em" I heard the one with grey hair said, but I couldn't have given a damn anymore about anyone's life I feel nothing but anger "GO ON MAKE ME BLEED. MAKE ME SUFFER IT ONLY INRAGES ME" I said in a demonic voice as I let the only thing that fuel me through my imprisonment my anger but something stopped my thoughts a kick in the stomach and then to my head and I was knocked on my back blood came out my mouth; my smile crept onto my face and then the blood started to from into spikes which shot out but he somehow maneuvered out of the way which is a surprise to say the least so I sat back up and locked at him "just tell me where my silverware is so I can eat and I'll be on my way" I said to the man and woman which he replied with an attempt kick to my face but all he did was get his boot grabbed and had himself get thrown against the wall and wouldn't you know he still alive and 'kicking' (get it) "hmm you do interest what is that's able to make you still stand" I said to him with a look of confusion and anger because I just what's inside his body "because you I have metal legs which I dont feel any pain ok then time end with that i took some of my that was on the floor and shot the spike right into his stomach 'dead' (I have puns :) center
into the person that attacked me impaling him into the floor "now tell me where my scalpels are." I said to the green hairs women she must have felt fear and tried to use her semblance "that wont work little girl." I said to her "I tried to save you really I could've let you live but you rejected my offer so unfortunately you're in my way and when people are in my way they are-" I grabbed her face and the back of her head, and then I continued my speech "removed." And in one swift movement her head was facing her back twisted like as if it was braided hair to bad she had to go she could have been useful...oh well more kidneys for me and as I thought that I rip open her side and started to feast.

I open door after door then found my mask with two scalpes my smile started to widen as I grabbed my tools walked into halls but heard a second set of footsteps "ahh more food I hear creeping behind." I said when I turned around I see a huge male thats buff, tan, has brown hair, and hazel eyes. "Stop now and turn yourself in because I dont want to wast my time nor my strength on you boy."he said in a low gruff voice "fine bring me to your 'goddess'." I said to him and he led me to her throne like room, but what they failed to realize is that I had slit my wrists open to bleed I'm guessing he thinks I was too reckless and not able to fight but all was according to plan heh as if it was going your way in the first place.

As I was standing there my blood that started to drip and made a nice little an instant the blood was turned into spikes that where aimed at everyone that were close enough of puncturing an eyeball, while I also made a blood scythe and hop on the table in front of the chair she sat on "who are you mortal and what gives you the right to think you can just kill our people and not be punished for what you did to jeopardize my plan!" She yelled angry not even a little phased about my spike close to her eye "Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose." I said very loudly "are you done." The man with hazel eyes said "why no I came for a request and I want you to show me that Grimm that has a ball on top." I answered his question while also giving an order to Salem "oh but wouldn't want to see how the rest of your scouts are doing wouldnt that be rude not invite them" she said as she had a sack in her hand and pulled out head not just any head..."bloody painter" I said in disbelief "And here are the runner ups." she said with a smirk plastered on her face she then pulled out "" and...

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