chapter 16 rw

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Izuku's POV

my mum just burst through the door on all fours screaming my name "its here it finally came it's here!" she says in a frantic state as she holds a U.A letter in her hand. I then stand up grab the letter and walk to my room closing the door I can hear my mum walking in the hall way next to my room.

I then sit at my desk and looked at the letter before ripping it in half and watch as a gray disk fell out onto my desk before it lit up and a screen was on my desk with all might's face on it yelling "I am here as projection!" I stepped back and yelled "all might wait, this is from U.A right?" as I watched in shock "sorry but I came to this town to work in U.A" he says with a bow " all might is working at U.A" a hand then pops up on screen telling him to wrap it up. "all right ok you past the written test with flying colors and got 86 points in the practical and that means you past...." I-I did it I actorly did it' I think as I start to smile "but there was more to it you see the entrance exam to other day was not graded only on villain points but rescue points and they're given out by a panel of judges its the other basic ability's we at U.A look at Izuku Midoriya you got 60 rescue points making 146 points, this is your hero academia!" he says as he gets closer to the screen "yes sir!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

School day 1 Deku POV still

brought to you by Bakugo and Kirishima yelling about who is the best hero out of all might and crimson riot.

'ever since we found out kacchan and I got into U.A we have training nonstop and thinking of ways to scare the other students and only one day after I got my note all might had kacchan and I meet up with him and I'm going to say this once I am never going to look at him the same' "apparently Bakugo went to class early most likely to see the competition oh well as long as no one is dead when I get there everything will be fine." I say as I head to the door to put my shoes on to go to school " Izuku!" my mum called to me running over "what is it?" I ask standing up and walking to the door "you're really cool." she smiles and return one "I'm off" I say as I leave.

"class 1a... 1a... this place's too big..." I say as I run down the hall looking for class 1A "There it is the door's huge! is it for accessibility? the elite chosen from the huge number at the exam..., I hope Im not in a class with glasses" I say as ai slide the door open listening to the yelling coming from inside.

"Dont put your feet on the desk!" Glasses yells as kacchan just smirk back "huh." kacchan groaned "Dont you think thats rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people that made the desk." glasses said "Nope. what junior high did you go to, you side character?" kacchan yells as I peak through the door " I attended Somel private academy. my name is Tenya Iida." he says with a hand chop "Somel so youre a damn elite, huh? looks like I will have fun crushing you." kacchan yells leaning forward to stare in the guy I now Knows name Is Tenya's eyes "crushing that's cruel. do you truly aim to be a hero?" kacchan just "tsk" but then the two of them stopped and looked at me "you're..." Tenya says "oh um hi" I say as the class all look at me "good morning I am from Somel private academy my name is--"

"I heard I'm Midoriya. nice to meet you, Iida." I say desperately wanting to just plasma away "Midoriya you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me." he says moving his hands like a robot as I sweat drop "sorry I didn't realize anything." just then a sudden burst of joyful aura hit me.

"oh, that curly hair! you're the plain-looking one!" I turn around only to see the nice girl "you passed just like present mic said. of course, you did that explosion was amazing!" she said as she started to jump around "oh um thanks but I only did what any hero would do." I say as my hair started to turn to plasma as I tried to get away from the happiness bomb "I wonder if todays just the entrance ceremony and orientation, I wonder who our teacher's like? aren't you nervous?" she says as I slowly try to shuffle away getting my hair under control.

"go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." I hear as I turn around to see what looks to be a yellow caterpillar on the ground with tired eyes and black messy hair "this is the hero course." he says in a tired voice as he sounds like he doesn't want to be here, he then unzips his yellow cocoon revealing it is a sleeping bag as he pulls a juice bag out and starts to drink. Uraraka and Inda start to freak out as I just stare the man in the eyes as he stands up and unzips the sleeping bag.

"okay, it took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not going to work, time is perishes, rational students would understand that." by now everybody is watching the lazy man stand in the hall way " hello I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." thee second he said he was my teacher my grin grew as everybody panicked I was probole the only one who knew who this man was just by his name Shota Aizawa or better known as eraser head one of my top five favorite hero's. "right lets get to it put these on and head out side" he says as he grabs a sports outfit from his sleeping bag.

1067 words

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