fifty two.

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phil woke up to his phone ringing on the bedside table next to him.

he shifted and pushed himself up in bed, grabbing it and checking the caller id. he stiffened a bit when he read his mothers name and cleared his throat so it wouldn't be scratchy when he picked up.

he glanced around, biting his lip when he noticed dan, curled up in the blankets next to him. he smiled. the concept of dan spending the night in his bed was almost overwhelming and it made his stomach flip.

he answered the phone and held it up to his ear. "hello?"

"phil!" his mother replied, a smile in her voice. "how did last night go?"

phil blushed. "it went fine," he mumbled, glancing at dan again. his face was calm and it made phil want to kiss him until he couldn't breathe, until his lips were pretty and swollen.

"good. look, your father and i want to have a word with you."

phil couldn't help it; his heart skipped a beat. "yeah?"

"yes. are you free this friday?"

phil licked his lips. he didn't have any plans of course, but he knew he would've been spending time with dan or sunny or both. still, if this was what he thought it was...

"yeah. yeah, i'm free."

"good." she made a clicking sound with her tongue. "come over for dinner, we'll have a talk. bring dan if you want to."

she hung up before phil could reply.

phil sighed, tossing his phone to his end of the bed. he felt dan shift beside him and turned his attention to the sleeping boy.

his hair was messy and wild looking, his cheeks a bit splotchy and flushed. he was still wearing the pajamas phil had given him, which truly did suit him incredibly nicely. he looked gorgeous like that, phil's sheets curled around him, unorganized, the light from phil's window dusting over his face.

dan shifted again and made a sound and phil grinned, reaching out to poke his stomach.

if he was honest, he felt a little guilty. last night he had been having trouble keeping his hands to himself, or even keeping them in safe places like dan's waist or his face while he kissed him. he couldn't help it; dan made him want him. but he knew he was right. they shouldn't rush into anything, because what if they regretted it? phil didn't even know what they were to each other anymore, he didn't think it was wise to do anything they were nervous about.

but sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing...

phil shook it off, laying down and watching dan's mouth twitch. he wasn't gonna rush him. even if everything in him screamed to tell dan what he wanted. it wasn't even sex... god, it was becoming increasingly clear how badly phil just wanted him. he wanted the label. he wanted the dates, and the tipsy hookups, ones that they didn't have to feel guilty about because they were each other's, officially.

dan's eyelashes fluttered and phil sucked in a deep breath. what would dan say if he asked him? he could hear his voice now, in his head-

i hardly know you, phil.

but wasn't that the point? you could never fully know someone. wasn't the point of being with someone to learn them, as much of them as you could get your hands on?

and phil wanted to know him. did dan want to?

dan opened his eyes, blinked slowly, and smiled when his gaze finally focused on phil. phil smiled back, trying to shove back his worries.

"hi," dan whispered, and jesus, if that wasn't the cutest thing phil had ever heard. he leaned in and kissed dan's nose, who promptly scrunched it and stuck out his tongue. phil laughed.


dan rolled onto his back and yawned, stretching his arms out above his head. "g'morning."

phil sat up again and climbed out of the bed. he didn't want to even be tempted. "do you want to go somewhere for breakfast?"

dan hummed. "after i wake up a little, sure."

phil paused and closed his eyes. "hey, i wanted to ask you something..."

he turned and trailed off. dan watched him, a curious smile on his face. and phil couldn't do it.

", never mind."

dan frowned gently. "are you sure? you can ask."

phil nodded, swallowing. "no, yeah. i'm sure."

jesus christ, he was such a wimp. dan nodded slowly, looking confused. "okay...? ask me later if you feel like it."

phil nodded and cleared his throat, embarrassed. he avoided dan's eyes, grabbing for his phone.

"i'll be in the kitchen."

"what now?" sunny asked when he picked up, after two rings. phil rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter.

"first of all, shut up."

he heard sunny laugh. "no! as the person you complain to, i have the right to pretend to be annoyed."

phil sighed and waited.

"well, out with it," sunny said after a second. "did dan, like, flip his hair in your direction? how dare he, you must be in agony."

"i want you to know i'm honestly considering letting you go as my best friend."

"you don't have the balls."

phil rolled his eyes again and groaned, leaning against the wall and sliding down until he was sitting against it. "i want him to be my boyfriend."

"of course you do. you love him."

phil blushed. "i wouldn't go that far-"

"yes, you would," sunny stated calmly. "anyways, how're you gonna ask him?"

phil licked his lips. "i dunno. i'm not."

"you're not?"

"no!" phil looked around as if dan might be around, hiding. "no, you know i can't. that's so scary."

he could hear sunny's smile. "god, you're such a teddy bear."


"sorry, sorry!" he sighed. "phil, you're allowed to take your time. i don't think dan would mind."

"yeah, but i don't want to take my time."

"then ask him."

"i can't."

sunny chuckled. "i see the dilemma here."

phil ran his fingers through his messy hair. "yeah. me too."

sunny tutted. "phil. take a deep breath, spend some time with him, calm down. it'll come when the time is right."

"you sound like my mother," phil mumbled, but he nodded. "...okay."

"okay. good." there was the sound of a door closing. "now if you'll excuse me, a certain lady has never been to an arcade and has requested i take her."

sunny hung up before phil could bury him in questions.

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