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phil only went back because he had left his jacket there, but he almost instantly regretted it. the boy from earlier was sitting against the building with his arms crossed, steam practically coming out of his ears. jesus, what's his problem? even worse, he had brought his entire band of circus freaks with him.

phil quickly categorized them. ugly girl with hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in years with red eyes and a tired face, the annoying little kid from earlier, and an old woman who looked like she was struggling to breathe. his face involuntarily formed an unmistakable expression of disgust.

the boy stood up as soon as phil stepped out of his car, staring him down. phil couldn't lie, it was a little terrifying.

he walked toward him and for a split second, phil expected him to slap him, but instead he just thrust his hand out in his direction, more like a demand than an offering. phil blinked in surprise.

"i'm dan," he said, somewhat out of breath, his voice strong and purposeful. phil glanced down at his hand, and back up at his face, his expression still on the verge of disgusted.

"okay," he replied slowly, finally deciding to ignore his hand, unsure of what was happening. "i'm phil. nice to meet you...?"

dan gave him a fake smile, pulling his hand back. "yeah. listen, we need to use your shelter."

phil raised his eyebrows. "what? no."

"what do you mean?" the girl behind dan said, standing up as well and frowning at him. "it's a homeless shelter, isn't it?"

"well, yes..."

"so i don't think you're allowed to deny legitimate homeless people."

dan looked at him expectantly, and phil glared at him. his staring made him uncomfortable.

"no. there's no way." phil pushed past him, starting for the door. "not you." he just wanted to get his jacket and get out of here.

dan grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him back. phil squeaked, his shoulders coming up automatically as a sort of weak defense. dan's jaw was tight, his eyes a blazing flame of both hate and determination.

"look, phil. i don't know why the hell you have a homeless shelter, but i know it's not from the goodness of your heart, because i'm fairly certain you don't have one. we lost our home an hour ago, which was an alley, by the way, and the point of this?" he motioned at the building. "is so we don't have to starve to death on the street. and i promise, phil, if you don't let us use it for its sole purpose, i will find whoever made you do this and tell them what an absolute asshole you were to us."

phil stared at him, shocked. he knew dan could hold to that promise; if he could find his last name, his father was in every newspaper. and if a homeless boy who was friends with a child, a girl, and an old lady told him that phil wouldn't let them in, he was screwed. no brand new car.

phil scowled at him harshly, scoffing. "fine. come on."

dan's glare melted into a satisfied smile and he nodded, following phil to the door. phil shook his head while he dug in his pocket for the keys before unlocking the glass door and pushing it open for the troop of freaks to crowd in.

"i don't have any beds yet," he mumbled, a bit smug about the fact they wouldn't get what they wanted. but dan just nodded and shrugged.

"it's okay," he said happily. phil watched him and his dumb friends instantly start making the situation their own, laying their jackets out like makeshift mattresses and helping the old woman down on them before curling up themselves. the little boy climbed into the girl's arms, and dan watched him with his unblinking gaze. phil scowled and looked away.

"i don't have food either."


phil blinked, shocked by the forcefulness in dan's voice. "it's true..."

"you don't have food here, you mean."

"i mean yeah, but..."

dan stood up again, smoothing out his curly hair. "can i have eight bucks?"

phil blinked. "eight dollars?"

"yeah." he smiled stiffly. "mcdonald's. ever been there, rich kid?"

phil flinched and gave him a nasty look, pulling his wallet out reluctantly.

"why don't you beg for it? i know that's what you're used to doing for money," he snapped.

dan's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "yeah, it was awful. he made us sleep on the ground, and then he wouldn't even buy us fast food, he made fun of our situation..."

phil grumbled something under his breath and shoved the money at his chest. "here you go, ungrateful..."

dan laughed softly, and phil was surprised when it wasn't a mean laugh. "thank you."


phil sulked, retreating to the desk they had moved in there and sitting behind it, tapping his fingers against the smooth wood. he watched dan stare at the money, no doubt thinking about what he could do with it, and after a moment of consideration he shoved it in his pocket, whispering something to the girl and sitting down. phil bit his lip, letting it slide out from between his teeth. he hated how guilty that little action made him feel.

he sighed. at least he had people there now, his father couldn't come around and see it was a fake. but he would definitely need beds, and he still had to hire people to help him out. maybe he could sell his second tv that he kept at his place, he didn't use it that much. he could buy a new one when he sold his old car.

phil found himself watching their little huddle. they hadn't even complained or asked for anything more than money for some shitty food. dan lay down as well after a moment, so the little boy was sandwiched between him and the girl. she looked about his age, phil wondered if they were a thing. he wondered why he was even asking these questions about them when he didn't care. he must just be bored.

after a few minutes phil got up, going to the back room and grabbing a scratchy blanket that sunny had brought from his apartment. he paused before approaching them.

dan opened a brown eye, looking up at him. phil nodded stiffly and thrust the blanket at him. dan smiled, taking it and rubbing the fabric between his fingers for a few seconds. then he carefully wrapped it around earl's frail body, despite the fact that phil could clearly see him shivering.

"i don't have another one," phil said bluntly, a bit too loudly, but none of the others stirred.

"it's okay," dan whispered, and closed his eyes again.

he was so odd.


i know this is bad shut up also i write so many rejected hand shakes

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