sixty six.

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kat's hands were soft and warm in his, and sunny wasn't completely used to holding them. all of it was a little surreal; he'd never expected to find something like this, someone like her. 

sunny wasn't the one who got the girl. he was funny, he was supportive, but he wasn't the main character of any story, let alone a love story. what they had wasn't even quite a love story- it was like the after-story. when he'd met her it'd felt more like waking up than anything else. like something was already there. 

kat shifted in his arms and sunny let go of one of her hands to brush some hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. she tilted her head to smile at him. he smiled back weakly.

"is everything okay?" she asked, shifting so she could look him in the eyes easier. he nodded, widening his smile unconvincingly.

"everything's fine." she raised her eyebrows at him and he sighed. "i promise, katrina." 

she tucked her head under his chin. her hair was nice and she smelled good, like the soap she'd been using recently; it smelled like blackberries and made her skin soft and smooth to the touch. 

"does all of this feel kind of crazy?" kat asked after a second and sunny smiled, purely at the fact that she'd read his mind. 


"like..." she made a sound and shrugged her shoulders. sunny wished he could still see her face. "i dunno. it's so weird that i found you."

sunny bit his lip. "weird how?"

she moved again to look at him, to sunny's relief. she was smiling gently, her eyes a little glassy from thinking. "i think you're really cool."

sunny laughed. "that didn't answer my question."

"oh well."

he shook his head and pulled her closer. his hands fit nicely right above her hips, fingers curving around her waist. "weird how?"

"it's just a weird coincidence, especially with dan and..."


"yeah." she pressed her lips against his chin, just for a second. sunny liked how she did that, no matter what they were doing or talking about; she did things so calmly, she kissed his face as if it was as automatic and as simple as breathing. "yeah, it's weird that we found each other."

sunny didn't know how she could say things like that. he wasn't nearly confident enough to talk that way. 

if he could, he'd tell her when they were like this together, alone, with her half in his lap on his couch, it was like the couch just wasn't there. it was like the floor wasn't there, or the ceiling. it was just her. just her and her pretty hair, some shade between brown and red, and her cute nose and her soft lips. 

"something's bothering you," she mumbled, searching his eyes. he looked away. "what is it?"

"it's nothing."

"tell me, come on." 

he couldn't say it, he'd seem like an absolute jerk. he'd seem like the most textbook, cliche asshole there ever was, and that wasn't sunny's style. at least he didn't want it to be. 

she touched his chin and he had no choice but to look at her. her eyes were bright, even when she was worried, her mouth turned down slightly. he sighed. he was bad at this, bad at being serious and honest and speaking his mind. he'd never had to be good at it. 

"i'm just not... i've never done this stuff before."

she tilted her head curiously. "what stuff?"

"relationship stuff." he felt his face getting hot. "any of it. i've never had a proper girlfriend or anything."

she smiled at him. "i know that... it's okay."

he shook his head. she didn't get it. "i won't be good at any of it."

"it's okay."

he felt too warm. she didn't get it. "i won't be as good as... like, i won't be a good boyfriend, i won't be as good as whoever you've been with."

realization flashed in her eyes and to sunny's surprise, she smiled, and then she laughed. he blinked in surprise. 

"are you talking about the boy who got me pregnant and then ditched me?"

sunny blushed. "um... maybe? if you'll be mad, i'm not." 

she laughed again, kissing the tip of his nose. "that's probably the funniest thing you've ever said to me."

he smiled sheepishly. "damn, then i really need to step up my joke game."

kat shifted so she could run her hands over his chest, still smiling and shaking her head like she was remembering a funny story. 

"sunny," she said finally, her voice quiet. sunny watched her face, as if scared of missing anything. "i was young when i met him. i was so unexperienced it wasn't funny, and i thought he was a god."

sunny stayed silent, listening to her speak. her mouth twitched. 

"he wasn't a god. he was just a stupid boy who thought it was exciting to hook up with a younger girl who thought so much of him. then he got me pregnant and disappeared."

sunny sighed and touched her face. she was so beautiful, all cheekbones and deep, full eyes. she reached up and put her hand on top of his. 

"i don't want you to be like him," she whispered. "i like you because you're better than him. i want you to treat me like a human being, and touch me like i matter. i want you to care about me, i don't care at all how much experience you have."

sunny looked at her for a second, smiling faintly, before leaning forward and kissing her on the mouth. they'd only kissed a few times so far, but it was always so good. she pressed into him with her soft mouth and her fingers dipped beneath the collar of his shirt. 

"when are we gonna tell them we're dating?" sunny whispered. kat grinned. 

"i think they're a little distracted." kat giggled and pressed her nose against his. he nodded. 

"live with me."

she paused, taken by surprise, her eyes flashing with joy. she was silent for a second but then she shook her head. 

"i wanna stay at the shelter."

sunny's brow twitched, confused. "why?" he breathed. 

"i like helping out," she whispered, rubbing his neck with her thumb. "i want to stick around there for a while." 

sunny's smile grew and he kissed her again, briefly. "kat?"

her voice came out a little breathless, a little dazed. "yeah?"

"i have to buy the shelter, don't i?"

kat beamed at him, her eyes shiny. her lips brushed his cheek. "yeah."

his hands automatically went to where they fit nicely on her waist. 

"very well."

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