twenty four.

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phil's back ached, and there was a sharp pain digging into his thigh. he blinked, but immediately shut his eyes again, the sun burning into them.

he went to move his arm to shield himself but found he couldn't. he frowned, lifting his face to identify whatever was holding him down, and his breath caught when everything hit him all at once. dan was lying half on top of him, his head resting on him, allowing his curls to spill over phil's chest with reckless abandon. and he was on top of his arm.

phil had always liked that angle the best; looking at someone from above. not in a creepy way, seeing that side of their face that you usually didn't get to just felt almost sacred. dan's dark eyelashes fanned out under his eyes, a bit clumped together from crying, and his nose was a bit smushed against phil's chest. he looked calm - phil was pretty sure he had never seen him calm before. at least not to this extent.

phil blushed and came to his senses, looking away and clearing his throat, half hoping it would wake him up. it didn't. phil sighed.

"dan," he muttered, tugging his arm out from under the boy's sleeping body. he didn't budge. "dan. get up."

phil couldn't believe they had slept on the railroad tracks. jesus, if the train had still come through here, they would be done for. phil shivered. he tried again.


dan made a little sound, but it was more of a squeaky snore than a response. phil huffed. he was cold, and his back hurt. he wanted to get out of here and have a shower.

phil gently pushed dan off of him, standing up and groaning, stretching his arms above his head. his hands landed on his hips, looking down at him and sighing.

"come on. wake up. we gotta go." phil paused before nudging him gently with the toe of his shoe. dan made another noise and loosely moved his hand, as if batting him away. phil chuckled despite himself. a thousand jokes about dan being used to sleeping in places like this crossed his mind, but he bit his tongue.

dan mumbled something incoherent and phil rolled his eyes.

"i am not carrying you to the car, if that's what you thought."

it had been a joke, but dan's eyelashes fluttered and he shifted a bit, reaching out vaguely.

"can't walk," he mumbled, the first words he had said that phil could actually understand. "too sad."

phil bit his lip, shaking his head at him. "jesus christ."

dan opened one eye. "please?"

"you're fucking four," phil shot back, but he reached down for him. dan stood up rather shakily and basically climbed into phil's arms without a second thought.

dan wrapped his legs around phil's waist, his arms tight around his neck and his breath warm against the side of his neck, and phil awkwardly grabbed onto his thighs, not wanting to get any closer to his ass.

dan was incredibly light for someone of his age and height, from under-eating, phil realized. his face was burning.

"you have a tattoo," dan mumbled sleepily, reaching up to touch it with his finger.

"yeah. got it when i turned eighteen."

"what does it mean?"

phil ignored his question, carefully trekking down the side of the tracks without slipping on the gravel.

"i still dislike you, you know," phil muttered after a moment. he could feel dan smile.

"mm, ditto."

phil rolled his eyes. "you're such a fucking baby," he told him, adjusting his grip as he pushed through the tree branches.


phil carefully set the boy down to unlock his car, and opened the door for him despite himself. he really did look sad, and tired, even when he smiled. the normal brightness that made his chocolate eyes his own was faded and dull, and when his mouth turned up it seemed perpetually forced.

phil went around to the driver's seat and climbed in, chewing on his lip in thought.

dan only spoke again when they had been driving for a few minutes, and phil was turning back on the main road.

"where are we going?" he sounded so dejected, as if every second he was awake was another second of the heavy truth setting in. phil kind of wished he hadn't woken him up.

"to a professional."

phil caught him frown out of his peripheral. he smiled a bit but didn't say anything.

sunny's driveway was always empty, mostly so that phil would have a place to park considering he was over there so often. phil would never admit it, not even to sunny, but he got lonely at his own apartment. he really needed a pet or something.

he opened the door for dan again and dan climbed out on shaky legs. his eyes were shiny again and phil's chest ached. he had started crying again sometime during the drive.

phil walked behind him up to the door, watching him carefully. dan glanced back at him as if asking for encouragement before knocking on sunny's door.

sunny answered nearly seconds after dan knocked, throwing the door open.

"dan!" he gasped, not even blinking. phil huffed.

"i'm here too. you know, your best friend since freshman year."

sunny ignored him, stepping forward to throw his arms around dan and hug him. phil swore he saw dan tremble a bit. he wondered if he'd have another breakdown. he wondered if he would open up to him again. phil wouldn't tell him, but he kind of liked it when he did. it made him feel trusted and special, even if he wasn't. dan still annoyed the hell out of him, but seeing him weak in front of him made phil feel almost powerful and needed.

jesus. maybe he was crazy.

sunny ushered dan inside before giving phil a look. phil frowned at him, climbing up the steps.


"you totally care about him." sunny smirked.

phil blinked, glaring at him. "i do not. his friend fucking died, sunny, have a little respect."

phil shoved past him before he could give any more unwanted commentary, and he heard the door close behind them.

he could feel the stupid grin on sunny's face.

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