thirty five.

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dan beamed at phil and kat, trying to read the situation. kat smiled back rather weakly, and phil wouldn't look him in the eyes. but still, neither of them was bleeding.

"how'd it go?" he muttered to kat. she rolled her eyes.

"it went fine, dan," she told him, laughing at him. "what did you expect?"

dan wasn't sure what he had expected, but he wasn't getting the answer he wanted. he turned to phil but he still wasn't looking at him. dan frowned, poking phil's arm.

"what's wrong?" he asked softly. phil glanced at him and shook his head.

"nothing's wrong."

"something is."

"dan," phil whispered, meeting his eyes for a second. "drop it. please."

dan frowned at him, confused. he was acting strange all of a sudden. dan figured maybe it was just the stress, but it seemed like something more than that. he wanted to ask again but he didn't think phil was up for talking, at least in front of sunny and kat.

phil dropped sunny off at his place with the promise to call soon, and they went back to the shelter. kat hopped out first and rushed inside, probably to check on nina, and phil went to get out but dan locked the doors quickly. phil frowned and looked at him.

"is this where you murder me and steal my car?" phil already seemed a bit more loosened up now that it was just him and dan, but dan wanted more than that. dan laughed.

"if that was my plan i'd at least wait for the lamborghini."

phil let out a short laugh. "fair enough." he crossed his arms. "why'd you lock the doors?"

"because you're gonna talk to me."

phil raised his eyebrows. "um, okay..."

dan sighed, frustrated. "you're gonna really talk to me."

phil blinked. "what is there to talk about?"

dan unclipped his seatbelt, and without thinking too much about it he climbed over the center console and into phil's lap easily. he figured if he was trapped under him, he would talk. phil's eyes widened.

"what are you doing?"

dan ignored him, straddling his thighs and resting his hands on phil's shoulders. he was tense and dan could nearly feel his heartbeat from there.

"talk to me."

"about what?"

"what did you and kat talk about?" dan hummed, pressing his thumbs into the tight parts of phil's shoulders. "was she nice? if she said anything..."

"i guess so. she told me about what happened to her. really sucks."

dan nodded, sighing and massaging his neck until he relaxed a fraction. he didn't know why phil was so red; they had been closer than this to each other before. dan rested a hand over his chest.

"dan," phil muttered. his voice sounded weird. "you should get off me."

dan tilted his head slightly. "why?"

"you just should."

dan slid his arms around phil's neck absentmindedly, searching his face. "are you mad at me?"

"does it matter?"

dan frowned. "yeah."

it still seemed like phil didn't want to look him in the eyes and dan reached up, touching his chin and making him.

"well, it shouldn't."

"why shouldn't it matter?" dan's eyes flickered over his face, confused. he had thought he and phil were okay, but suddenly phil seemed uncomfortable with him.

phil's breathing was uneven. "nothing. never mind."

dan stared at him, baffled. "we're friends, right...?"

somehow, that's what made phil relax a good amount. he nodded. "yeah. we're friends."

"okay... good." he traced a design on phil's chest with his fingertip and phil stared at him. "do you like kat?"

"i guess."

dan looked up. "you guess?"

"yeah." phil shrugged. "she seems nice. i don't know her that well."

"do you want to?"

"what's with all the questions?"

dan groaned. "it's not my fault getting something out of you is like unlocking a safe."

phil laughed. "oh, don't be dramatic. it's not that bad."

dan grinned, pleased that phil was acting a bit more calm. "to talk to you, you require a welding tool and a hacksaw."

phil rolled his eyes. "the day you stop being dramatic is the day i prefer target over gucci."

"is that rich people speak?"

"as if you don't know what gucci is."

dan laughed and pressed closer to him. he had always liked being close to people, and phil's stomach was warm against his. he swore he heard phil's breath catch.

"are you nervous about the event?" dan asked softly. phil nodded.

"yeah, a bit. i don't wanna fuck it up."

"you won't fuck it up."

"how do you know?"

"because your presence demands attention." dan hummed. "you walk in a room, and people wanna know what you have to say. as long as you know what that is, you'll be great."

phil was looking at him in a strange way, his eyes flickering over dan's face. dan raised his eyebrows, meeting his gaze.

"what?" he whispered.

phil shook his head, biting his lip. "i... i should go. i have stuff to do."

dan nodded, disappointed, but he slid off his lap. "okay. i'll see you tonight?"

phil paused, as if he had to think about it, before he nodded. "yeah. tonight."

dan unlocked the doors and watched him go, oddly breathless.

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