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"please? please, dan? please..."

dan sighed, trying to pry earl off his sleeve. "no, e. not today."

the boy pouted, whining at him. "i never get to go anywhere, please. i wanna hear you play..."

dan sighed, shaking his head. "i promise i'll take you tomorrow." not that he would ever make it known, but he really just wanted to be alone. it took something out of you to be cramped up with three other people almost 24/7.

earl sighed and nodded hesitantly, clearly rather put off. "okay..."

dan reached down, touching his chin with the fingers that weren't wrapped around the neck of his guitar. "i promise..."

earl shoved his hand away, rolling his green eyes. "whatever, dan. just go."

dan smiled at his attitude, nodding. "see you soon."

he started down the alley toward the city lights, his slender fingers tapping rhythmically against his guitar as he walked. it was a nice day, sunny and perfect outside. dan used to not care much about the weather, he preferred the rain rather than the heat but he really hadn't minded. that was until the threat of rain drenching all of his possessions hovered over his head constantly, and the sun left him with a sunburn and left anything that was made of wood white and splintered.

dan emerged onto the sidewalk, looking around. he had messed with his hair obsessively that morning in a mcdonald's restroom mirror until his chestnut curls looked even slightly presentable, determined to make some money today.

he took a deep breath, breathing in the less than fresh city air. whatever. it was better than dumpster air.

he watched the pedestrians pass, counting business men, making a subcategory for those shouting into an old looking phone. teenagers passed, talking in loud voices about things that seemed so unimportant to dan in the scheme of things, and women with big hair and expensive looking hats. dan liked observing, it made him feel like he was part of something, he was a piece of the puzzle just like everyone else on the street was.

sometimes there were other people like dan on the street, hopeful to make a few coins by using meager talents, or maybe just by looking pathetic, but today that stretch of the street was barren of the homeless. dan smiled, in an oddly good mood.

he pulled his guitar forward, resting the smooth wood against his belly and grazing his thumb down the strings. stand, don't sit. sitting makes you look lazy.

he held his breath as he played the first few chords, his fingers dancing easily between the strings. he didn't have a guitar case or a hat, but he did have a cup, so after he was comfortable with his set up he set it down in front of him and started to play.

he played mostly popular songs, ones anyone could recognize, but threw in a few originals. he smiled at people as they passed, trying to appear bright and friendly. he was used to this... he was good at this.

after about half an hour he had made more than he had all day the day before. playing came more easily after the thirty minutes of warming

dan blinked and missed a note when he spotted a car, pulling into a parking spot right in front of him. dan knew next to nothing about cars, but he knew this one was nice, sleek and black and new looking. his heart skipped a beat when he realized this person must be rich- a good chance for a donation.

dan took a deep breath and stood up straighter, his fingers automatically going to play one of his songs, the one he could play quickly and was the most visually impressive. a few people stopped to listen, but dan's eyes were locked on the sleek black car.

the door swung open and a skinny boy stepped out, wearing a light washed denim jacket, tight black jeans, and shoes that probably cost more than all of dan's possessions combined. his hair looked like it had lots of product in it and his expression seemed almost stony. dan gripped the guitar tighter, intimidated.

the boy glanced in his direction and frowned, his thin lips turning down, nearly disgusted just by the sight of him as if dan was an annoying piece of gum on his shoe. dan looked away quickly so he wouldn't think he was staring, putting his all into the song he was playing.

the rich boy watched for a moment before stepping onto the sidewalk to continue on his way to wherever he was going, and dan panicked. he would never forgive himself if he wasted this opportunity.

he watched his back as he started walking away, his heart racing like a marathon runner on steroids. and he started singing.

dan never sung in public unless the situation was truly desperate. he sang to earl, and even that was only occasional, or when he couldn't sleep. but the song had words, so why waste them? his voice shook a bit but he managed to get control, watching the boy stop and turn.

dan hadn't played like this in ages, so purposefully. he met the boy's eyes, his face flushed with passion. he had done it, he had caught his attention. but his face was still rather stoic- it was difficult to tell what he was thinking.

by the time the song was over there was a small crowd, and everyone applauded. dan beamed, looking around before turning back to him, a question in his eyes.

the boy with the pitch black hair paused, as if in thought. a thin and faint smile stretched on his lips, a smirk. a long stressful moment later, he opened his mouth.

"i've heard better."

he walked away, leaving dan with his mouth wide open in shock.

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