thirty nine.

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none of u are fucking ready



dan was panicking again.

they had managed to get to the park where everything was happening a few hours early, but people were already trickling in, and dan could hardly stand.

the event was in a huge park, that had a stage for performances and a big space for everything else. people were setting up tables and chairs for them, and phil walked around to check on them in between periods of trying to calm dan down. they were all trying to calm dan down, but it wasn't really working.

dan was curled into a ball and kat kneeled beside him, touching his arm and playing with his hair soothingly, talking to him in a soft voice, but dan's breathing wouldn't slow down.

"kat, i can't do this without my guitar."

"baby, i know this is a big step," kat muttered, squeezing his shoulder. "but you can do this. you're ready. just pretend it's me... pretend it's earl."

dan whimpered, rubbing at his eyes. he didn't want to pretend it was earl, he would just end up breaking down in front of everyone.

phil emerged from wherever he had been and smiled at him pityingly. he had changed clothes; he was wearing a dark blue button up and a blazer with the sleeves rolled up, and black jeans. he looked both professional and casual at the same time, and he was wearing his glasses.

kat had picked out dan's outfit; a white t-shirt that she said hung well on him, his brown jacket, and dark jeans similar to phil's other than a few rips.

something about the way phil was looking at him hit him and dan's stomach burned with determination. he squeezed his eyes shut and took five deep breaths. phil wouldn't pity him; he would calm down and he would be amazing, like he said.

he opened his eyes again. his heart was still beating fast, but at least his breathing was starting to normalize. he stood up carefully and kat stared at him, surprised.

"are you okay?" phil asked, and dan nodded, flashing him a faux confident smile. phil narrowed his eyes. "are you sure?"

"yes, phil," dan said slowly. "i'll be fine. it's just nerves."

"okay..." phil hummed. "just... keep breathing. i believe in you."

"you shouldn't, but okay." dan smiled, real this time. "thank you."


people were quickly arriving and now phil was feeling the nerves. he didn't feel experienced enough to plan something like this, but it was far too late to back out.

it felt like seconds before sunny was tugging on his sleeve. "it's time."

phil's whole body felt like it was shaking. "really?"

he nodded. "yeah. yeah, everyone's out there. it's one-thirty."

phil glanced at his watch, because that didn't seem right, but it was. god, phil had thought they had so much time, but it had passed in a blur. he took a deep breath and nodded.

"okay. here i go."

he closed his eyes, opened them, and pushed past the curtains.

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