"On the end of the line"

Start from the beginning

"You seem too good for him anyway, he won't treat you right" Harry coos up to me.

Maybe he's right he doesn't seem boyfriend material.

"And you will?" I smile back at him.

"If you allow me the chance I will" he eyes stare deeply into mine. My heart flutters at his words but I notice not as much as when Louis' dirty mouth opens.

"Excuse me I need to visit the ladies" I say and walk away. I take a moment in the bathroom before heading back out.

                       Louis' POV

What the hell is he playing at, the thought of him and her makes me sick. She's too good for him, hell she is too good for me but she's better off with me. I'll make sure of that. I storm over to him.

"The bets off" I stand at the table. The boys put the cards down and look at me knowing shits about to go down.

"Not until some one wins Tommo" he sips his brandy.

"Na-No I'm not playing, go shove your cock in someone else" I turn away just as I'm taking the first step away from him I hear him speak.

"What, back into your mother again" he sniggers to the boys.

I'll never forget the day I walked in on them two fucking, as soon Leah got put into the mental hospital for trying to kill herself. I walked into my house to see my mother under Harry. With his smug fucking face staring at me.

I turn back around and haul him up off the chair by his collar " shut the fuck up Harry" I sneer at him.

How did it get to this point always trying to score one up on each other. Maybe we took it too far I shouldn't of fucked his sister, recorded it, posted it to the internet for the world to see but if I'm going to do a bet I'm going to do it right.

"Not nice seeing someone you care about being shafted is it?" he laughs.

I tip my head back and let a snort out my nose. I bring my fist back and slam it into his face. The room erupts into chaos with alcohol fuelling every man in here this is heading for fucking trouble.

                        Ella's POV

I walk back to the hall where I can suddenly hear the shouting of men and the screaming of girls. I run the rest of the way and come out at the door by the stage. I freeze what the hell has gone on in the space of two minutes?

The girls are in the middle of it, fighting and defending. The men are out of fucking control. I wonder where Louis is, has he seen this from his office? I scan to see him hopefully running out of one of the doors to the floor of the hall. But then I catch a glimpse of him right in the middle of the brawl with Harry. They are beating the shit out of each other. How the hell are we going to calm this situation down?

Over the noise I can hear one of my favourite songs coming on 'Paris (oh la la)' I shout and wave my hands. Maybe I can distract them all with my body. Something I thought I'd never say but it seems like the only option right now.

"Jason" I scream "turn it up" I gesture with my hands to turn it up.

"Hey!" I shout into the crowd. I stand on a table and wave my arms around. No one isn't taking any notice of me. I see two metal trays with empty glasses on the table I quickly take them off and hold up the two metal trays.

If I'm going to do this I've got to do this right, no backing out, no nervous nelly, I need to be KinkyElla.

"You fuckers!" I bang the two trays together as hard as I can and instantly I've commanded the room. Every pair of eyes are on me, waiting for me to do something. Louis is still holding onto Harry's shirt collar with a bleeding nose and Harry's got Louis by the throat already a black eye showing.

I drop the trays down and start lip syncing the lines "If I was a man I'd make my move, If I was a blade I'd shave you smooth, If I was a judge I'd break the law
And if I was from Paris.." I drop down on the table with my legs parted bouncing up and down moving to the sexy chorus of the song.

Slowly the men calm down and gather round the table I'm on, I reach out and touch a few of them. They start raising their hands to the music trying to reach out at me. But I keep them waiting, teasing them.

Summer and Darla join me on the table and start moving up and down my body.

"Nice move" Summer whispers to me.

I mentally pat myself on the back at being the one to sort this fuck up out. I'll make sure Louis thanks me later.

I look over to him and he and Harry are standing side by side just taking me all in. I give a little wink over to louis and watch as he shakes his head.

                      Louis' POV

What the hell just happened. I've never seen the whole room turn to one girl before. She's got them all under a spell, including me. I stand there like an idiot watching as she swings her body around the table.

"Where did you find this girl, lou?" Harry asks.

I look over to him and just like me and the rest of the men he's captivated by her. How can someone do that?

"On the end of the line" I simply say.

"That makes no sense you dickhead, keep a close eye on her. She'll be at the top of everyone's most wanted list now. Including mine" he leaves me standing watching Ella.

I can't bet her virginity away but how the hell am I going to get out of this one. There is no way Harry will be going anywhere near her. I've never ever felt like this towards any girl but she, she is out of this world. I'll do anything to make sure she's mine.

The man on the end of the line // L.TWhere stories live. Discover now