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Sasuke and Naruto sat in the back seat of Kushinas car, they were on the way home from camping it was fun and will stay with them the rest of their lives.

Making memories thats what life is about, thats how Naruto and Sasuke will continue to live their lives making memories.

Sakura did not keep her word, as soon as she got her phone she posted about Sasuke and Naruto being together, the hate they received was expected. However they weren't expecting people to thank them for helping other people find confidence in themselves.

Naruto and Sasuke spent the rest of their Junior year together, playing baseball, staying at each others houses, sleeping outside under the stars and working through whatever got in the way. They were unstoppable.

When Senior year came, they decided they would be going to college, not the same one they wanted different things. That doesn't mean anything to them though. They spent their whole Senior year planning, of course plans never go according to. Do they.

They were young, dumb and in love even in their heads they always had a small portion of understanding stored away for the day they go their separate ways.

They were still growing and figuring things out about themselves. They were both hopelessly in love and determined to do whatever it takes to stay together.

With Naruto and Sasuke it was like a new day for both of them when they woke up together and everyday they wake up, they fall in love all over again.

The two were lucky to find such powerful love at a young age. The two may have had their moments, their fights, but the day Sasuke got down on one knee is a day neither will ever forget.

A dream turned to reality, it is possible. Just ask them, they're married and happy with two adopted children.

You can ask them about their lives and how they found each other again, its a crazy love story really. Naruto is always prepared to tell it. Just ask, after all this isn't even half of the story.


I'll write a sequel! Once I finish the other story I've got to update.... it'll get done eventually!

The sequel is up now!
Hopelessly Devoted. :)
Thanks for reading!

Hopelessly in loveWhere stories live. Discover now