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Ten years later.

My phone rang, distracting me from the thesis that I am currently marking. “Hello?”

“Hello, is this Dr Sam Jones?” the voice questioned shakily over the other line.

“It’s actually Dr Samantha Reid, Jones is my maiden name. how can I help you?” I replied with a smile before absentmindedly looking at my ring.

“I’m nurse Shelly from Bennington Sanitarium, I regret to tell you that Diana Reid died last night in her sleep.” My hand rose to my mouth, not Diana.

“… No… has her son been informed?”

“No ma’am… we can not get a hold of him.” I sighed heavily, before speaking.

“I’ll tell him. Thank you.” I hung up the phone and grabbed my bag before shouting up the stairs. “Tom. We need to go somewhere.”

A small brown haired boy with blue eyes came bounding down the stairs in dark jeans, a brown waistcoat and lighter brown shirt. He always dresses like his dad. “Where we going?” he asked excitedly before throwing himself on the settee.

“careful.” I lightly scolded while I grabbed a pair of brown converse from the cupboard by the door. “We need to go and visit daddy.”

The grin on this little eight year old’s face looked painful, but it was infectious. Although I didn’t want to, I couldn't help but smile as I put his shoes on his feet and tied them neatly. “Can we see Penelope, and Jen, and Derek?!” he bounced happily at my side as I collected my keys and my bag and walked out the door.

“If they are there yes.” I simply replied as we walked hand in hand to the car. I opened the back passenger door before placing him in his car seat. Once he was safe and secure I climbed into the front and started the engine.

“Mom? Are you alright?” Tom unexpectedly asked, ten minutes away from the FBI building.

“Yes I’m fine... why?”

“You crying.” He simply responded. Looking in the mirror I could see two tear tracks, running down my cheeks.

“I must have caught something in my eye.” I chuckled. “We won’t be long.”

The rest of the drive was silent and I parked without a problem. After collecting our visitor passes from the front desk we rode the elevator to the familiar floor, again, hand in hand, before walking out and through the glass doors.

“Uh oh, here comes trouble.” Penelope joked from Derek’s desk as Tomos sprinted as fast as his little legs could carry him towards them. “How are you little man?”

“I’m ok. Miss you.” He threw his arms around her and she smiled as she hugged him back.

“Hey what about me?” Derek joked before being pounced on by the little eight year old bottle of pop.

“Hey, where’s Spence?” I asked after hugging Penelope.

“Conference room I think, why? Everything ok?” she rubbed my arm comfortingly and I just smiled in return.

“Yes fine. Could you distract Tom for a bit?” I looked at Tom who was watching Derek intently.

“Sure sweetie. Whatever you need.” I hugged her again before walking up the familiar steps and knocking on the glass door.

“hey, you busy?” I asked as I walked in.

“no, we just finished actually. What are you doing here?” he smiled widely before walking over and hugging me.

“Did you get the bad guy?” I asked with my hands around his waist.

“yup.” He grinned before leaning down and kissing me gently. “What’s wrong?”

I could feel by body stiffen as I held Spence’s hand and lead him to the chairs. “I had a call… from Bennington.”

“Oh? And what did they have to say?” he asked, his hand firmly in mine.

I looked at him and struggled to find the words. “not much… they called because.- about your mam. Spence I’m so sorry.”

I watched as his shoulders slumped and his eyes filled up with tears. I couldn’t help but throw my arms around him and hold him as he began crying into my shirt. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Spence” I whispered in his ear, kissing his head every now and again.

“Mom? Why are you and dad crying?” Tom’s confused little voice appeared in the doorway.

Not saying anything I just picked him up and carried him back over to Spence where we all shared a family hug. I’ll have to wait for another time to tell him… to tell him I’m pregnant again.


HEEYO Again!

This is now the end of this story ^_^ HOWEVER I am considereing writing a sequel... I have a few ideas that I'm thinking of but I'll only write it you guys wanna see it :L 

Thank you so so much for sticking with this story, I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ^_^

See yah soon!


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