Chapter Thirteen.

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Once Spencer parked up and killed the engine, I climbed out and looked up at my apartment. It was on the second floor, like my one in Vegas but remembering the square footage, I remembered that this one is a lot bigger. Spencer and me walked inside and rode the elevator up to my new home. Putting the key in the lock, I twisted it clockwise and pushed the door open. The smell of fresh linen hit me straight away as I stepped inside. “Fresh linen.” I mused as I smiled.

“I remembered seeing a container in your house.” I looked to spencer behind me who was slightly blushing.

“you remembered correct. Thank you.” I smiled as I looked through my new home. I could imagine myself here easily, with a nice bathroom, a nice open plan kitchen and living room, a nice sized bedroom and with a lovely window in the living room and the bedroom it felt nice and airy. “this is lovely.”

“and you don’t have to feel out of place… i-I live in the next apartment block over.”

“really? That’s cool!” I beamed as I walked around the living room and did a rather girly twirl in the centre before collapsing on the settee. “I think I need to call a removal company for my st-“

“That’s already done. Rossi called them earlier on today and all of your clothes and other belongings are being packed up and couriered over in the next few days.” Spencer smiled from the doorway.

“You know, you are more than welcome inside. You can come here anytime.” I smiled as Spencer just cleared his throat and walked inside. “So, what’s next?” I bounced on the settee and tapped my knees before looking up at a smiling Reid.

“up to you.” He simply replied.

“ok, I vote for me to go to JJ’s, pick my stuff up and then bring it back here to sort out.” I eased myself up from the settee and sighed.

“Actually, your ‘stuff’ as you put it is in the boot of my car.”

“Really? Well you lot have been busy.” I joked. “Well, I’ll go and get it-“

“I insist. You stay here and I’ll go and collect your bags.” Spencer swiftly turned around and began walking out of the door. “By the way, all of your cupboards are stocked up and your fridge/freezer is stocked up too.”

“Ok, I can take a hint, what do you want for food?”

“I-I wasn’t hinting.”

“ok, ok, but seriously, what do you want? I fancy some spaghetti.” I took to rifling through the neatly organized cupboards trying to find the spaghetti.

“That sounds good actually.” Spencer called as he walked out of the front door.

“Again with the hinting.” I mused as I found the packet of spaghetti. Finding the pans, I picked one up and put it on the hob. Boiling the water I fussed around looking at all of the other food that the guys have bought for me, fair play, they are attentive. Once the water boiled, I poured it into the pan, I switched the hob on and put in enough pasta for two.

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