Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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I hid behind an SUV and as soon as I heard footsteps approaching I walked out into their view, swinging the bat to my side and smiling manically. “Hi Puddin’s… Miss me?” with a maniacal laugh to finish and with a final flourish with one of her signature poses I was met by silence from the rest of the team.

The silence was broken by Penelope, squealing with glee and running towards me in her ‘My Little Pony-esque’ costume. The rest of the team applauded shortly after. “You look perfect Betty!”

“Couldn’t have done it with out you Marylin…” I beamed before twirling my bat around and looking at the rest of the team that consisted of Hotch and Morgan in black suits, black sunglasses, black shoes, white shirts and black ties, so the men in black, everyone else apart from Spencer were in normal clothes. The boring, boring people. “So! Are we gonna catch the bad guy or are yah gonna wait for the cops?” I squeaked again before resting the bat on my shoulder.

“You are scary like that…” Spencer spoke making Derek and Penelope giggle.

“Aww C’mon puddin’. Don’t be angry with me…” I pouted slightly as I walked to Spencer who was dressed in a purple suit with crudely drawn joker makeup.

He just shook his head with a smile as we all walked to the cars. All of us splitting up into multiple vehicles not to raise suspicion. I was in a car with Derek for a nice change.

The drive was relatively painless and by no means quiet. With us badly singing to songs and me smiling and winking to guys that’d whistle at me as Derek drove, led to one of the most enjoyable car rides for a while. “Here we are.” He grinned.

“Yah can’t smile like that toots! Yah gotta be in character!” although the squeaking was beginning to annoy me, for the sake of character integrity, I have to keep going.

“Ok, geez, you really are taking this serious huh?”

“I’ve been looking forward to this for years… I just wish it was under different circumstances.”

“Yea… Just remember… anything strange, and you want to go and see Anthony Misiano and Alyssa King. Ok?” he moved his glasses down his nose to look me in the eyes.

I just nodded in response. “Let’s get in there.” I grinned before hopping out of the now parked car. I waited for Derek before we walked up to the convention building entrance. After collecting my name tag I wandered around the convention looking at the stalls, having pictures taken with other costumed people, occasionally meeting up with Spence where we walked around together for a little while and getting close to buying more before being dragged away at the last minute.

Ten minutes to the end of the day we were all feeling on edge that nothing had happened. We were all so sure that something would happen today, was so sure that something would happen.

I sat down feeling defeated at the top of the staircase leading to the convention hall. “What did I miss?” I sighed.

“Well have you seen the tenth Doctor? He’s pretty good.”

“Hey!” I grinned “What are you doing here?”

“I-uh I just wanted to come. I love your costume.” Sion smiled as he helped me to my feet.

“thanks… I would say I love your costume but you aren’t really in one so…” I smiled as I gestured to his white shirt, white trousers, green belt and green braces. “Have you enjoyed it?”

“Actually yes… want to see what I bought?” he smiled and I just nodded along as he fished inside a green satchel.

He pulled out a replica Stark sword from Game Of Thrones, a light up t-shirt with an ARC reactor printed on it a new deodorant that I didn’t particularly like but he sprayed it in my face for me to smell anyway and finally a scarecrow syringe glove that was as sharp as it looked, he demonstrated it by jabbing the one needle in my arm. It did no harm though so I shrugged it off.

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