Chapter Nine.

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At half six, I walked into Garcia’s bathroom and showered.

Now wide awake, I walked back into the guest room and rifled through my suitcase trying to decide on what to wear. I need to look formal but then again, super formal isn’t me so I need to find a happy medium.

Deciding on a white blouse, I wore my black skater skirt that I had a size too big for me so it was slightly longer than my knee but nice and flouncy. Getting a pair of black braces, I attached them to the skirt and put them on loosely before putting on a pair of black tights and my black and white Irregular Choice heels. There’s a colourful plastic bow that adds plenty of colour to my rather bland outfit.

Tying up my hair in a high ponytail, I pinned up my fringe with my little red dragon hair-pin and did a simple fifties makeup. Looking at myself in a mirror on the vanity table I felt happy with the outfit, it is still formal but it’s me too. “Wish me luck.” I spoke to my reflection before grabbing a small black satchel and filling it up with Pens, Pencils, Notepads anything that I may need.

Now completely ready I walked into the living room to see Penelope on the settee, watching a Dr Who re-run with David Tennant, dressed and ready to go. “All ready?” she cheerily asked.

“Yup, I think so.” I beamed as I looked at the time on my phone seven-fifteen.

“Good. I think you’ll have fun, it shouldn’t be too hard. Not for your first day anyway.” I looked at her slightly panicked, what does she mean by not for my first day? Noticing my face she began laughing “Don’t look so scared. I was only joking.”

“Please, never do that again.” I spoke under my breath as she stood up and walked to the door with her keys in hand. Walking to her car she unlocked the doors and walked to the driver’s side. “Morning Esther.”

“She says good morning too.” Penelope smiled as we both climbed in at the same time. We drove the journey back to the FBI headquarters and as soon as it came into view, I felt instantly more intimidated than I did last night. We drove into the underground car park before Penelope parked up and killed the engine. “Welcome back.”

I smiled as we both climbed out of the car and walked into the FBI building. Travelling in the elevator back up to the BAU floor I signed in at the desk before walked with Penelope to Agent Hotchner’s office. “Good luck!” she hugged me before walking off towards her hacker paradise. 

I looked into the office to see Mr Hotchner at his desk writing. Before I had time to knock the door he looked up at me and ushered me inside. “Morning Sir.”

“Good Morning Doctor, I’d like you to just shadow the team today. I’ll tell you who to go with and I’ll tell you who to report to. Good luck.”

“Sir, I just wanted to thank you again for this. It’s an amazing opportunity and I will prove that I deserve to be here. Thank you!” I smiled as I walked out of the room and just stood on the steps by the desks.

I looked around and saw Derek smiling at me so I walked over. “Morning!” I cheerily sang.

“Good morning to you too. How are you today?” Derek smiled and sat down in his chair as I perched on the edge of his desk.

“I’m fine thanks, you?”

“Fine. Can I say something?” His face looked more serious and I suddenly became a little worried.


“I think you are spending too much time with Garcia.”

“Huh? Why do you say that?”

“Her style has rubbed off on you.” He smiled and I giggled.

“Thanks for the heads up.”

“Oh, by the way! What was the secret from the other day?”

“oh…” I leant in and used my finger for him to lean in too. With a serious face I looked around a little “I have a Batman Obsession.”

“You’re serious? That’s your big secret?”

“Yup. It’s… pretty serious.” I kept a serious face while Derek’s face morphed from disbelieving to his usual happy demeanour.

“You are in a world of your own.”

“I know! But that’s what makes me so amazing.” I cocked my head to the side and smiled the widest smile I could muster.

“Whatever you say kid.” Derek smiled as he leant back in his chair. We continued talking about trivial stuff, I found that I was right about his girlfriend, she’s a nurse so she works long hours like him and she may be called in the middle of the night. Point one for me. They’ve been on and off for a little while now but they always get back together. We would have talked longer but Agent Hotchner called everyone into the conference room.


Hey there! 

Sorry it's so short :'( just kind of went that way :L I promise the next will be longer! :D

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