Chapter Fourteen.

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“are you ready to go?” I heard Spencer call through the door. Smiling I skipped to the door and opened it wide.

“Oh, I’m beyond ready.” I smiled as I walked out and took my new keys with me. “Let’s go!”

walking alongside Spencer, I was dying to hug him for some reason. I just felt like I needed a hug and Spence seemed like he’d give good hugs, I mean, maybe, or maybe not. Hang on, what am I even thinking? Derek gives good hugs, I’ll just have a hug from him later. A small wave of disappointment travelled through me but I quickly brushed it off as Spencer took me to his car.

We drove in a comfortable silence for just under half an hour before we arrived outside a bar. Climbing out of the car I saw Esther in a parking space a few spaces away. I waited for Spencer to catch up with me before I walked inside the bar.

“There she is!” Penelope squealed.

“So what do you think?” Derek smiled as he enveloped me in a hug.

“I love it, I can’t thank you guys enough for everything these last few weeks. So instead, I offer to buy everyone a drink, on me and you can order whatever you want.” That was met by a round of cheers from the people who I can now call my team. I smiled and laughed as everyone came and told me their orders, smiling I walked over to the bartender and ordered the drinks.

“That dress looks great on you.” The Bartender said as he handed me the drinks.

“Thank you.” I smiled as I passed them back to everyone. Wondering where my drink was I turned back “Where’s mine?”

“Yours is on the house, anyone who looks that good don’t need to pay for her drink.” He winked at me as I passed him the money for the other drinks. Once paid for, he handed me mine “Have a nice night gorgeous.”

I waved as I walked to the team who were all sitting in a booth with a smile on their face. “what?”

“first night on the town and you already have a follower, looks like a success.” Penelope and JJ laughed as I rolled my eyes.

“He’s cute, you should go for it.” Blake said as I sat next to her.

“Nah, he’s really not my type.” I took a sip of my drink as I saw Penelope whisper ‘I know who is’ I simply shook my head and laughed it off.

“You know, something has been bugging me since Vegas.” Derek looked at me with a michevious glint in his eyes.

“Oh, and what, may I ask is annoying you?”

“When you went in the club on the second night, the DJ seemed to know you and said that you were one of the best dancers he’d seen…” I could feel my face heat up “Care to explain?”

“Oh, um, when I was pretty intoxicated a few nights before, I went out with Alice to that club. I used to sing back in Wales and she made me get up in front of everyone, while I was dressed up as Jessica Rabbit, and sing the song she sings.” Everyone began to laugh except Spencer who seemed rather awkward with the topic of conversation. “It was completely mortifying!”

“So how did you get into this style may I ask?” Penelope asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Lets just say an old boyfriend got me into it.” I could feel a slight hint of anger at the memory of Jamie but just as quickly as it started it faded away.

“Ohh, what was he like?” JJ asked excitedly.

“Honestly? I got him arrested.” I took a swig of my drink before looking up and smiling at some shocked and some impressed faces. “What? You wanted the truth.”

“I know, I just don’t think any of us expected that.” Derek smiled a little as he raised the drink to his lips.

“uh-huh? Then what did you expect?” I couldn’t help but giggle slightly.

“For you to beat his ass.” Derek simply responded which made all of us laugh.

“Well, I’ve changed a lot since I moved out to Vegas. You would hardly recognise me if you knew me. But I think I’ve changed for the better, I mean, I now know you guys.” I raised my half empty glass in the air and it was soon joined by everyone else raising theirs and clinking the glass.

We all stayed out for about an hour and a half, laughing, getting to know each other. I already felt like I fit in, which is a lovely feeling. JJ left first, she wanted to get home to tuck Henry in. Hotch left second, for a similar reason he wanted to say good night to Jack. Then Blake left followed shortly by Rossi. That left my three favourite people, Spencer, Derek and Penelope.



Sorry it's short again but the drama is about to start! *YAAAYY!* I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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