Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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 Knock, Knock, Knock.

I jumped from my somewhat comfortable position on the settee, the noise distracting me from the aweful film i've been forced to watch. Slowly making my way to my uneasy feet, I took tentative, silent steps towards the front door that the sound was eminating from.

Knock, knock, knock.

I jumped again, my nerves jittery and even more off guard than usual. Who's at the door? I'm not expecting anyone, Jamie hasn't ordered anything to be delivered or he'd be here to recieve it himself. Maybe it's one of his friends. yes, that seems possible. It's one of his friends, come to see him about something.

I contemplated openeing the door, but immediatly thought againt that idea when painful memories resurfaced of the last time i did that. No opening the door for his friends. I have no business getting to know his life outside of this house or getting to know his friends. it's his life, not ours or mine.

Finally making my decision i turned on my heels and began walking back into the living room. "I swear Sam, open this damn door, It's freezing out!"

I froze. my head battled with my body as i unwillingly walked back tot he door and opened it to see my best friend from school, Harley, on the front door step, her bump clearly visible in her maternity clothes. "Wh- What are you doing here?"  I stuttered as she walked past me while shivering from the chilly December air. 

"I wanted to come see you of course..." She replied, spinning around to face me with an accusing look in her eye. "I havent seen you for what... three maybe four months? How far along was I when i told you?" My eyes instantly found the floor, polished to perfection with not a speck of dirt or snow. cleanliness is nice. Jamie likes cleanliness. Everything needs to be clean. "Are you even listening to me?" 

"Oh- I- I Uh..." i stuttered again, feeling my face flame.

"Oh, I, Uh" She imitated as she walked into the living room (Or should i say waddled?) spotting the only settee, she immediatly made a beeline and after an easy-does-it approach, she sat down on the settee, her belly forcing her to lean back. "I've only got a month and a half left till this little princess comes. I can't believe i'm going to be a mam. I've already got an idea of a name."

The joy in her eyes as she stared down and her large bump made a strange warmth appear in myself. my breathing slowed fractionally as my mind wandered to what sort of mother she'd be, a brilliant one I'd imagine. She's strict, but only when needed, she's kind and will help you with everything, she never starts arguements but will ALWAYS finish them. she will be marvellous. "Oh yea? What are you thinking?" I smiled involuntarily as her blue eyes met mine, pure happiness lightening them by a few shades.

"She's going to be called Mimi Samantha Gardener. After one of the nicest people I know." she smiled again, the corners of her mouth and her eyes crinkling and i was sure i felt a tear run down my cheek. She's naming her child... after... me? "And I want you to be her godmother." now i am sure a tear fell. 

I nodded enthusiastically as i walked to her and gently enveloped her in a hug before placing a hand on her stomach and wondering what my new Godchild may become. "I, I don't know what to say. If you are sure i'd be more than happy to be a part of your child's life." for a moment or two my predicament was forgotten, the bruises and aches dissapeared and the world was bright just as it always was as a child. 

"What's cooking? It smells gorgeous!" Harley giggled as the beeper sounded in the kitchen. 

"Steak and peri peri chips." A cold, definate voice sounded behind me making me snsap to attention with my eyes trained on the ground. 

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