Chapter Eighteen.

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Feeling a little sucky so here's an extra chapter :L Enjoy ^_^ x


‘Let it go, Let it go, Can’t hold it back anymore.’ My alarm sounded bringing myself from my dreams. I slowly sat up from my nice warm bed and instantly woke up with the smell of pancakes.

Slightly confused I stood up, put my dressing gown on, put my slippers on then walked into the living room to see a familiar tall man at the stove. “Good morning.” I smiled as I hopped onto a chair by the counter.

“Good morning. Sleep well?” Spence turned around a smiled widely.

“Surprisingly so. And I woke up easily thanks to the smell of pancakes.” I licked my lips and rubbed my hands together, which instigated a laugh from Spencer.

“I thought I would make you breakfast to say thank you for letting me stay over last night.” He took to flipping over the pancake with a spatula.

“Thank you. But you are always welcome over, and I mean that. I wanna show you how to flip a pancake.” I hopped up to my feet and stood behind Spencer as he plated the now done pancake, and then poured more mixture into the pan.

“don’t burn the apartment down.” Spencer joked which earned a light slap from me. Spencer handed me the pan and then stood behind me with his arms crossed in front of him.

Using the spatula, I picked at the edges until they came away easily from the pan. Once the pancake was sort of floating, I stood back from the cooker and flipped the pan sharply upwards releasing the pancake into the air. As it flipped and continued back to earth I caught it back in the center of the pan and then put it back on the cooker for the under cooked side to cook.

“And that is how to flip a pancake.” I spoke like some gangster as I walked back and curtseyed.

Spencer applauded me as we walked next to me and plated the now completely cooked pancake. “Breakfast is served.”

“Thank you.” I smiled like a five year old as Spencer handed me a plate. I lifted it to my nose and took a deep breath and sighed in appreciation. We sat down at the counter and tucked into the breakfast. Five minutes later the food had been devoured. “My gosh! That was delicious. Thanks again Spence.” I stood up with my plate in hand and walked to the sink, kissing Spencer on the cheek as I walked.

“You’re always welcome. I’d better go and get changed. I’ll be back in twenty minutes and I’ll take you to work.” Spencer smiled as he placed the plate in the sink.

“Ok, thanks.” I walked to the front door and opened it before spencer walked to me. He hugged me and kissed me on the head before he left. I walked back inside, washed the plates, dried them and put them away before quickly showering and getting myself sorted for the day.

I was dressed in a blouse and plain black trousers with a pair of patent black heels. With my makeup neutral with my classic red lip and black pin-up flick, my hair lightly curled and my fringe straightened I grabbed my jacket and cupcake satchel before there was a knock at the front door.

“One minute!” I called as I threw some stuff into the satchel like my phone, pens, notepad etc. That done, and with one look over myself in the mirror, I answered the door. “Hello there, Doctor Reid.”

“Hello there, Doctor Jones.” Spencer smiled as I closed the door and locked it. We walked side by side down the stairs to the familiar blue car.  

“Can I name your car Diana?”

“Pardon? Why would you name my car Diana?”

“As in Diana of Themyscira aka Wonder Woman… she was an amazon warrior and she wore blue… I just thought it would be funny. No one will know apart from me… I promise.” I made my eyes as wide as possible before spencer just shook his head at me.

“Fine… only you ok?” he scolded playfully as I squealed happily “You know… you are verging on obsession with comics.”

“I know... but I’m cute so I can get away from it.” I skipped to the car and waited for Spencer to catch up with me. A few seconds later he unlocked the car while smiling at me.

We drove to the FBI building on my official first day as an agent. This is such a big day it’s crazy. I wonder what would happen… would it be paperwork or some sort of exciting case… looks like I’ll just have to find out.



Sorry it's short again! D: but it's gunna get long and interesting again! promise!

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