Chapter Ten.

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The two weeks flew by in the space of what felt like only a day. I loved every moment, I got to know Dr Blake better, she’s really nice and JJ is just lovely. David Rossi feels like a father figure, it’s comforting knowing that my dad isn’t here, but with Rossi, it kind of feels like he is. Derek is just… Derek, always the joker and he is such a big softie. Agent Hotchner is also a pretty cool guy, outside of work he really knows how to loosen up and I have a lot of respect for him. Spencer. Spencer is just the cutest thing ever. We still haven’t talked too much, not alone anyway because he’s very good at finding something to do. I’m starting to think that he doesn’t like me but I still think he’s an amazing person. He still fascinates me, I still want to know more about him.

Today is my last day unfortunately. I woke up at quarter-to-eight, I’ve gotten used to the time jump now but I’d still prefer a lay-in. I yawned as I eased myself up from the lovely warm covers. ‘Let it go, Let it go, Can’t hold it back anymore.’

“Let it go, let it go turn away and slam the door. Here I stand, and Here I stay, Let the storm rage on.” I sang along quietly.

“I love Frozen too.” I heard a small voice speak up. Jumping a mile I looked at the doorway of the pale blue room to see a small blonde-haired boy standing there.

“Henry, what are you doing?” I laughed a little as I walked over to JJ’s son and knelt down to his level.

“I heard you singing. You should be a Disney princess.” Henry blushed a little as he stood in front of me smiling.

“Oh really? And what Disney princess would I be?” I lightly poked his cheek which just made him laugh before he seemed to think hard about my second question.

“You’d be… you’d be Ariel!” Henry smiled a painful looking smile as he took my hand and began bouncing.

“Really? Are you saying I smell fishy to you?” I made a shocked face as I smelt my onesie hood.

“No silly. You are Ariel because you have red hair, a lovely voice and because you are really pretty.” Henry hugged me and smiled.

“Thank you Henry. You’ll make a wonderful prince one day.” I smiled and did a giggle as he bowed.

“I’ll make it my royal duty to find your price Eric!” he proclaimed.

“What is going on here?” JJ walked over to us while giggling.

“I was just telling Ariel that I am going to find her Eric!” Henry squealed as he ran to his mother.

“Is it now?” JJ laughed as she picked her son up. Henry just enthusiastically nodded, he nodded so much I thought he’d give himself whiplash.

“Apparently so.” I smiled “and I don’t doubt that Prince Henry will find him for me.”

“Oh I bet he will. We’d better go and leave Ariel get dressed she’s got a big day on land today!” JJ said as she walked off with Henry leaving me in my doorway.

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