Chapter Eleven.

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We drove for an hour before we arrived at another FBI building. Walking inside, Derek flashed his badge and the next thing I knew I had a guy walk in front of me. "This way miss."

"It's Doctor actually." Derek said while winking at me.

"Oh great, another Reid." The guard said under his breath while we walked down some corridors. "You can get changed in there. Just follow the corridor once your done."

Looking in the direction where the guard gestured with his head, I walked through the grey door into a white changing room. "this is going to be fun." I sarcastically said as I put my bag down and changed into my gym clothes.

Looking at my reflection in another mirror I felt happy with my choice so I began walking back out of that room. Once outside, I looked around before remembering where to go.

"You know, if you carry on dressing up like Harley Quinn I'm going to get worried that you'll turn into her." I heard a familiar voice speak behind me.

"Very funny. What makes you think I'm Harley?"

"Because you are insurgency Harley. You aren't the only one to play Injustice you know."

"You know Rossi, you are one awesome man." I smiled as I turned to face him.

"I try." He shrugged while smiling a little "Are you a bit lost?"

"A little. Why are you here anyway?"

"I had a call that we were needed here." Something in his face told me that he was lying but I just ignored it. We walked for a few minutes before Rossi stopped. "You are in there. Good luck."

I watched as Rossi quickly walked off. "Why is everyone telling me good luck today?" I sighed before I opened the door in front of me.

Walking inside the huge gym, my boots squeaked on the weird flooring. A tall man was standing in the middle of the room in gym gear. "Nice of you to turn up." His voice matched his bulky, muscly physique. He looks and sounds like a stereotypical muscle head gym teacher. "Time to start your fitness test."

We spent two hours doing fitness training. He had me do a bleep test, an assault course, and lots of other fitness related things that would come in handy I don't doubt. "Final test. Self Defence." The gym man directed me to a set of double doors. He pushed them open and revealed a street set.

"Seriously man, you've watched way too much Men In Black." I said under my breath as the doors closed on me. "welcome back to Disney." I joked as I walked down the alley.

Armed with only a flashlight I walked through the set and admired the attention to detail. Hearing a can rattle behind me I turned around to see the empty street. "I know that at least one person is here. I mean the FBI wouldn't give me a 'test' with no one there would they?" I spoke more to myself than anyone else but surely enough I felt a hand cover my mouth. Trying something childish I poked my tongue out and licked the palm of the guys hand.

Surprisingly enough, he let me go. I laughed as I sprinted back towards the doors before I roughly hit the ground. "Well fair play, you want to make it as realistic as you can... even falling hurts." I mumbled under my breath as I looked to see my feet tied together with wire. Keeping myself calm I untangled the wire from my feet and stood back up.

Two guys came towards me one with a length of metal chain link and another who was a good foot taller than me. "Yay. The man mountain and the chain gang." I mused as they walked towards me. The guy with the chain got to me first he used his FBI skills to out manoeuvre me. he had me pinned against him with the chain against my neck. The tall guy came up to me and began throwing punches. I blocked them all and even threw my head back for good measure. "Sorry man, but I don't wanna fail." The guy kept the chain around my neck so I kicked my leg up over my head so the guy's head went back then fell into the splits meaning I was now out of the chains.

They just looked at me slightly bewildered as I ran down a small alley. Reaching the end I took three steps back as a shadow was cast against the dead end. They broke out in a jog towards me once they were a step or two behind me I ran towards the wall. Taking three steps up it, I gained enough leverage to kick myself backwards and over the guy's heads. Landing the opposite way, I quickly turned around and sprinted out of the alleyway. I ran back to the main street and ran in the opposite direction to the door. Coming to a wall I looked to my left to see a fire escape ladder. Jumping on it, I climbed half way and held myself as close to the ladder as I could.

The two men came down and looked right at me but then instantly looked away. They looked to one another before one held his ear "She's hiding. End of scenario."

Lights suddenly flickered to life as I jumped to the ground. "Hey guys!" I smiled as I walked towards them. Although they didn't respond they looked at me with an impressed smile on their face.

"Doctor Jones, follow me please." The chain guy said before extending his arm back to the main gym doors.

"Just out of interest, how far would you have gone? What were your orders?" curiosity got the better of me as we advanced to the doors.

"No further than near unconsciousness." The one looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Thanks for the encouragement." I sarcastically said while the doors were pushed open. The cool air hit me and my arm felt chilly. Looking down I saw a tear in my jacket "Aw man! This is my favourite jacket."

"Really? The first thing you say after a Test scenario is about your favourite jacket?" Derek smiled in front of me.

 "It's my favourite one! I can't be Harley without it." I pouted as I hugged Derek.

"We can get you a new one!" Penelope smiled.

"I bet I could find one." JJ smiled behind her. I looked around to see everyone standing in front of me. Rossi, JJ, Hotch, Blake, Morgan, Garcia and Reid all there staring at me.

"What have I done now?" I asked sheepishly.


dundun duuuuuun! whatcha thinks gunna happen? :O

comment, criticise and message! :D 

Criminal History.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora