Chapter Five.

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I sat up with a start and looked around me to see the corridor empty. Standing up I walked back to the water fountain. Taking a clean cup I filled it up and drank the contents in one go.

Feeling immediately more awake I decided to have a wander around the floor I was on. I didn’t want to go too far in case they need me but then again I can’t stay in just one place either.

Walking for a few minutes I looked into a window to see an evidence board with a picture of Alice on it. looking around to see that the room was empty I opened the door and walked inside.

The board was covered with a map with string coming off it. There were pictures surrounding it of different girls. One girl was dressed in bright colours, another all in red, another on a bed of mirror shards like Alice, another was in green, another was covered in blood, another was in a onesie and finally one was on a bed of counterfeited dollar bills. Connection: the seven deadly sins. Bright colours: Gluttony, Green: Envy, Red: lust, Mirrors: Vanity, Blood: Wrath, Onesie: Sloth and finally bills: Greed.

But why? Obviously the person responsible feels a compulsive need to remind the citizens of sin city that sins go unpunished. But if that is the case, why did they leave me? looking at the previous seven murders they occurred in Reno. Sin Cities are definitely the targets but how do they get the girl’s attentions?

Grabbing a pen and paper, I jotted down the seven sins, linking them to the murdered girls. vanity is always first, two days later, greed, another two days later lust, another two days wrath, another two days, sloth, another two days, greed another two days gluttony,. That means that another murder will appear tomorrow.

Looking back at the map I looked at the space between abductions and dump-sites. Every woman was taken from a popular club, unseen meaning she wouldn’t put up a fight. If they didn’t put up a fight they must either be too intoxicated to care or the bad guy must have some position of care or responsibility. I’m guessing the latter as everyone reacts differently to alcohol, I’m guessing that they wouldn’t want to take the risk of a victim acting out.

Grabbing a spare sheet of paper I wrote down the possibilities of the bad guy. Looking at Alice’s autopsy report I pushed the sick feeling aside and looked at the toxicology report. I had the exact same as Alice, I had breaks in between of soda but alcohol wise we both drank the exact same drinks, that rules out that it was something we drank because then I would be the same.

Sitting down I rested my forehead on my hand as I flicked through Alice’s toxicology and cross referenced it with the other girls. One substance keeps appearing. It’s one that I am completely un-familiar with. Writing the substance down I looked back through the files. Skimming through quickly I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Alice must have had something that I didn’t. What did Alice have that I didn’t? think, think, think, think. Standing up I sat down crossed legged facing the evidence board and closed my eyes.

Thinking back to everything that happened last night I mentally scanned the room. Thinking back to everything we both drank. Everything she drank but I didn’t? think, think, think,… nothing. Something she ate? Think, think, think. I got it!

Looking back to last night we all drunk the same but she took the placebo. What if the placebo isn’t a placebo at all but instead it needs something to trigger it. that’s it! the placebo she had mixed with something she drank to activate the pill that knocked her out. The breaks wouldn’t have killed her so what was the official COD.

Criminal History.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz