Chapter Thirty-One.

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my head throbbed as I opened my heavy eyes. My whole body ached as I rubbed my forehead with my wrist before cuddling back up into the mattress. My heart jumped as I leapt to my feet. How did I get on the mattress?.. why am I on the mattress?

I leaned on the wall before sharply jumping away, yelling profanities in the air, as I remembered about my broken arm. I continued to curse as I looked around for material to create a sling. Eventually finding some rough burlap in a corner, I made it into a sling before looping the material around my neck and placing the fractured radius and ulna carefully inside.

I continued to look around the room, before my eyes fell upon empty chemical containers. Curiosity took over. I took quiet steps towards the empty bottled before I picked them up and examined the labels… Adrenaline, Atropine, diphenhydramine and benzydamine. What the hell are these?

I could hear footsteps in the distance, slowly coming closer. In a momentary state of panic I placed the bottles back down and rushed back to the shabby mattress before gently lying down on top. I could hear, each heavy step before the door slid open.

The room was bathed in light once again before the door slid to a close. The footsteps got closer and closer to the point where I could hear him breathing. Plastic, clinked on the floor before he walked away. Once the door closed again, I waited for a few minutes before sitting up and looking at the cup of water on the floor.

I desperately wanted a drink… but I honestly didn’t trust it. The question now is… how long have I got before one of them come back in? honestly, I don’t care how long I got… I just wanna get out.

Taking a deep breath, I rose to my feet and rushed over to the TV, where I switched both the TV and the video camera on. I waited for a few seconds, playing with my fingers before Penelope appeared on the TV. “You beautiful woman! I have something for yah.” I spoke as I put the volume down on the TV.

“hit me.” she spoke with a slight smile growing on her red botchy face.

“Ok… Adrenaline, Atropine, diphenhydramine and benzydamine. They are all hallucinogens I was thinking that maybe you could trace who bought them then yah know… work your magic.” I began stretching the aches from my body before a sharp pain went across my whole arm. “Shight!” I whispered through my teeth as I placed my arm back in it’s usual position… looks like it’s not just my forearm broken.

Penelope looked at me worriedly before focusing back on her typing. “I got it. but he paid in cash. I can’t trace it…” her face fell again before her gaze diverted back to me.

“It’s ok.” I soothed “Um… did you try and search those names? Maybe you could trace something that way?”

“I did but nothing came up…”

“Well I seem to be in a barn, the walls are wood and there are lots of lovely looking tools here.” I swallowed a little before looking around “Could you try and look at a barn that’s related to any of the names?” I picked the video camera up before panning it around the barn.

“Woah... there are a lot of not so fun looking things there.” I could see the grimace on her face in my peripheral.

Giggling I moved the camera back to my face “You’re tellin’ me.”

I continued to pan before putting the camera in the exact same place as before. “Any news?” Morgan’s voice sounded as he walked through the door of Penelope’s paradise.

“Hey there Sugar Shack.” I spoke before Penelope had a chance to.

I couldn’t help but full on laugh at Penelope’s face “Hey! That’s what I call him.” She pouted making Morgan laugh at her.

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