Chapter Seven.

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{{GAHH!!! SORRY I posted a chapter up a bit early... dang computer :L Here's another one to apologize!! any confusion mail me and i'll be sure to clear everything up :L Enjoy the drama :L}}

We arrived first with the other car a matter of seconds behind us. I climbed out as everyone else stayed inside, walking to the front of the club I saw the bouncer from the other night on the door.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Agent Hotchner spoke through my earpiece.

“Hey!” I called to the familiar man as I approached.

“Evening miss, where’s Alice? I haven’t seen her for a while.” The bouncer looked at me before opening the door for me.

“I don’t know, maybe she’ll come later.” I smiled even though I was screaming inside. I walked through the glass doors to see the party was in full swing. There were loads of people dancing in the centre of the floor, the devil to Angel ratio was a little off with more people choosing the angel route, no doubt due to the recent string of murders, I mean, I can’t be the only one to make the connection. Woah, I’m rambling in my thoughts, get back on track.

I walked through the writhing masses straight to the bar. Getting myself two shots of vodka, I quickly downed them in one go and then put my game face on. Dancing with the masses an hour quickly passed when I noticed Tony Stark enter the club. Time to play.

“As a classic game for this theme, we are pulling the platform back out. I want every devil here this evening to dance to her favourite song and the winner, every loser must buy a drink for!” the DJ spoke up over the speakers and my excitement began to build as a platform was brought out into the centre of the floor.

Only five girls actually put themselves forward but I didn’t really pay much attention. As soon as my heels touched the platform the DJ spoke up again “Oh Man! It’s Sam!”

I looked up at the DJ and winked. Looking around quickly I saw Tony Stark walk to the platform with his eyes fixed on me. “For those who don’t know, this girl here is one of the sexiest women to ever enter any club that I DJ for. What are you going to treat us with tonight doll face?”

Tony reached the platform and just stared at me the entire time. “Katy Perry.” I looked him in the eyes before saying the title of the song “Dressin’ up.”

Winking I turned around as the song started. I danced the entirety of the song making myself look as desirable as I could. I looked to as many guys as I could and made eye contact with Tony every now and again. When the song finished there was silence before everyone roared with cheers. “I think we have a winner!” The DJ exclaimed as I was helped off the podium and back to the club floor.

True to the rules, the girls bought me more vodka shots and I continued to dace, acting much drunker than I was. “you are a bit loser than last time.” A very familiar voice spoke behind me “what happened to the little angel?”

“showtime” I whispered to myself and the team before I turned around to face Tony. “The little angel fell from the heavens. Why? Don’t like the dark side?”

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