Chapter Twenty-One.

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Two weeks dragged, I was struggling to get Jamie’s voice out of my head ‘too bad it won’t last.’ What does he mean? I have my diploma now. Spencer and Me went to Vegas, I collected my gown, cap and diploma from Steve then I collected the clothes and accessories from Planet Hollywood. We even visited the Sanitorium, Spencer saw his mam and I went around to see the other patients here. I briefly saw Toby before I walked back to Diana.

Before I even said anything she just somehow knew that something had happened between us, she actually asked us how long we had been together. Spencer is so cute when he’s around his mam and you can tell that he loves to be there. The head nurse of Bennington’s made me sing my usual set before we left to go back to Quantico.

The Vegas air had really helped to clear my head. But I now had something else to deal with, my birthday. I tried to keep it on the down-low that I was turning twenty six, I’ve never been the sort of person to have a celebration, I’d much rather a quiet meal to a party. I have a funny feeling however, that Penelope will make sure something loud and partyish happens.

I woke up at my usual time on January fifteenth. I showered, got dressed, did my makeup and had an omlette for breakfast before walking to work. I arrived first and I walked straight to my desk. Sitting down I got all of my things together ready for anything that could come my way and ready for when everyone else turns up.

Hotch walked in first and walked straight to his office as per usual, everyone filed in shortly after and no one mentioned my birthday. I was greatful for that until Penelope had to go and ruin it by spamming everyone’s computer on the BAU floor to appear saying ‘Happy Birthday Sam!’

“Did it work?” she asked happily as she approached us. I just glared back at her as she laughed “I guess it did.”

“Why? As much as I love you, why did you do that?” I groaned as I put my head on the desk and shook my head.

“Because you are only twenty six once!” she smiled as she hugged me.

“Actually you are twenty six for 365 days.” I grumbled as she picked me up slightly so I was now sitting properly.

“Stop blowing holes in it! we all wanted to celebrate.” Everyone smiled at me as they walked towards me with gifts in their hands.

“Thank you guys, but I don’t like celebrating my birthday, it’s just another day.” I smiled at everyone to thank them even though I felt slightly awkward.

“We all got you a little something and we are going to go out later for a drink.” JJ smiled as she handed me a small purple box.

“I don’t suppose I have a choice in this do I?” I giggled a little as I opened the box to reveal a few temporary tattoos.  JJ hugged me before Alex gave me her wrapped gift. Taking the wrapping off, a large white box was revealed. I pulled up the lid to see a pair of red and black knee-high boots, they look like the boots that Harley wore in Arkham City. Before I had time to thank Alex, Rossi handed me another gift box. Opening it, matching black and red trousers were revealed that would match the boots perfectly.

Derek handed me another box that had the rest of the Arkham City Cosplay costume in and I squealed with glee. Spencer handed me another box. This one contained a baseball bat and a large Harley mallet that you could easily assemble. Penelope handed me a small envelope, I smiled as I opened it to reveal tickets to ComicCon in a week. I squealed with glee as I hugged everyone “Thank you guys so much!”

“You are always welcome. I have a gift for you too.” Hotch spoke from behind me making me spin around. He held out another big box that I took with a smile. Opening it, an original Harley Quinn costume was folded up with matching shoes, cuffs and cowl.

“Thank you sir.” I smiled as I piled everything up under my desk.

“Welcome, now we have a case.” Suddenly the happy playful demeanor of everyone changed to the more serious working environment.

We filed into the conference room where Garcia stood in front of the large monitor with her iPad in hand. “there have been a string of murders that all have the same MO.  There have been two here in Virginia and one in Vegas.”

“Why do you think it is the same UnSub?” Rossi asked.

“The victims all have the same ligature marks around their wrists, ankles and neck as well each victim has a riddle attached to them.”

“A riddle?” I asked slightly confused.

“Yes. They all have a riddle, hand written on a piece of paper that is sewn to their bodies Pre-Mortem.” Penelope looked to me before flicking something on her iPad before the screen behind her displayed the pictures of the victims. “Victim number one, Valerie Robinson, twenty seven from Virginia found in Lunga park by a dog walker on Christmas Day. Victim number two, Richard Martin. Thirty from Tenessee, In Virginia for business found by a public services worker on January first. And finally, Sophie James, student of Art in Vegas. She’s just turned twenty seven and was found in a lecture hall by the custodian.”

I looked over the pictures on the iPad and read the riddles.

‘cylinder shape, hungry as can be, when bullies get bored, people are in me. What am I?’

‘where do you go with a lot but leave with a little?’

‘what did one candle say to another candle?’

“They link with the following murder. The first is talking about a trash can, the second Vegas and the third could be many things.” Spencer talked and we all nodded as we followed what he was saying.

“Agent Jones.” One of the receptionists popped her head inside the conference room. “I’m sorry to interrupt but a parcel has just been delivered for you that is apparently urgent.”

I looked to Hotch as the receptionist brought in a large green box. The box had a huge purple bow in the top. There was a tag attached with ‘Penblwydd hapus’ written on top. “I’ll open it later.” I started before the receptionist looked at me.

“The delivery man said that you must show all your team.” Her voice wavered slightly as I suddenly became anxious as to what was inside. I looked to Hotch for reassurance as I used a pen to ease open the lid.



:O We're on the home stretch guys!! It won't be too long till this story comes to an end :'( What do you think is in the box? Is it nice? Is it bad... what do you guys think? :D Answers on a postcard! :D

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