Chapter Twelve.

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{Authors Note: I'm sorry i'm a day late!!! been hectic with uni and freshers so here's 2 chapters to apologize!!! Please don hate meeee!!!!! :'(  }

Everyone looked between each other and began laughing. Derek just flung his arm around my shoulder and led me outside to the familiar SUVs. We drove back to the FBI building. Everyone was silent and not one of them looked at me. We walked silently through the building and back to the usual floor.

“Don’t hit me ok?” Derek suddenly spoke up when we were one floor off.

“Ok… why?” I sceptically replied, my question was met by giggling and a cover being put over my eyes. “guys, just for the record… the last person who did this to me ended up being punched in the face by my poor hand.”

“shut up!” Penelope said in the friendliest way possible just as the elevator bell sounded telling us we were on the right floor. “Just follow us ok?”

“No offence, but I have no other real option right now.” I pulled a slight grimace as I felt a hand on mine. They pulled me out of the elevator and walked me up some stairs to where I am assuming is the Conference room. “Why am I in the conference room?”

“can we show her yet?” JJ spoke.

“Is the evidence board ready?” Penelope whispered.

“I believe so.” Spencer spoke.

“Ok, lets do this.” Derek spoke as the blindfold was removed from my eyes.

I looked in front of me to see the evidence board with a photograph of an apartment half an hour away. Next door to it was information relating to the apartment, with figures exact I began to laugh a little. “Ok, I’m a little confused. Is there a case or something here?”

“Not exactly.” Rossi spoke from behind me. Turning around I saw a Glock 27 sitting on the table with a white, plastic card next door to it.

“I’m still confused.” I looked up to see Hotchner walking towards me.

he held his hand out towards me. I looked at it and saw a set of keys in his hand, he looked to the white card, picked it up and held it out towards me. carefully taking it from him I flipped the card over to see a picture of me on an official FBI ID. “Welcome to the BAU Doctor Jones.”

“Really?” I was completely shocked. I had always hoped that this would happen but nothing good really happens to me so I never expected it. after it finally sunk in I began squealing and bouncing. “Yay! Thank you so much, you will not regret this sir, oh my gosh, I never expected this, I can’t believe it, wait till my parents know, wait until my professor knows! I can’t believe this!”

I rambled on and on until Penelope had to physically put her hand over my mouth to shush me. “Breathe.” I took three deep breaths before Penelope with drew her hand “better?”

“much better, thank you.” I smiled at Penelope and then looked at everyone’s smiling face. “Thank you, everyone. I could have never done this without you, these two weeks have been amazing and this has just put the cherry on top. I just want to thank each an every one of you. Drinks on me!”

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