Government Predjudeces

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3rd Person P.O.V

"James" Whispered a voice in the darkness. "James wake up." person in question groaned and turned over. "Right, I'll just go get the water then" continued the voice. "Ack Ack I'm up" muttered James, throwing open the curtains to find Sirius with a bucket of water. "Don't you fucking dare" he growled, throwing on shirt and creeping over to Remus' bed. Sirius held up the bucket of water and they sniggered quietly. Just as Sirius was about to yank the curtains open, a pleasant voice floated from the bed. "You know Sirius, tossing water over a grumpy werewolf to wake him up does not bode well for your health." Sirius dropped the bucket with a clatter. "How'd you know it was us?" asked James. "We can smell you" came the reply. "You can...smell us? Who's we?" Remus chuckled. "Me and Moony" At this point Peter had woken up. "Guuyyys, I'm hungry, lets have breakfast." Remus tumbled out of bed, forgetting he didn't have a shirt on. Walking to his drawers, he crossly tugged on a shirt. "Nothing to see here" James grinned. "Awh don't worry Moony, we've seen it all before" Remus half smiled in return. Eventually making their way down to the great hall, the four sat down to eat. Soon enough, the owls arrived but instead of going to Remus, his owl flew over to Dumbledore and gave him 2 notes. Dumbledore opened the first one and a look of immense sadness crossed his face. Sirius and James looked at Remus worriedly, who had gone decidedly pale. Dumbledore stood up and crossed over to where the boys were sitting. "Mr. Lupin, I am sorry to inform you that your parents have died. Voldemort and his followers attacked your house." Remus gasped, tears already welling up in his eyes. Sirius scooted closer to his boyfriend and hugged him protectively. "Anything else?" chocked Remus. Dumbledore handed him an official looking letter and patted his shoulder. "It'll be alright" he said. Remus' eyes dulled. "I wish I could believe you sir" he murmured, sinking into Sirius' shoulder. After a while, Remus numbly popped the seal on the envelope. Mr. Lupin, The Ministry requires your presence in room 221B at 10:00 sharp tomorrow. An attorney will be there to discuss your parent's will. Signed, Abraxus Fudge. Dark Creatures Department. Underneath the writing, a signature was scrawled. Sirius and James' eyes clouded at "Dark Creatures" Remus looked resigned, as if it had happened a million times before. Just then, McGonagall strode up to the table. "I'm so sorry for your loss Remus, you may take a day off from classes if you wish" she said kindly. Remus swallowed. "T-Thank you professor, b-but I need to k-keep up with work. I already miss enough b-because, well, you k-know" he stammered. McGonagall nodded, looking as if she wanted to insist, but thought against it. Sirius pressed a kiss to the werewolf's lips. "Remus? Are you alright" The boy snuggled into Sirius' robes. He let out a shaky breath. "I'm fine. Just a little (A WHOLE FREAKING LOT HOLY COW) shocked, that's all." (BUT IS THAT REALLY ALL MOONY?!) Throughout the rest of the day, Remus seemed quite put out. People from all the houses dropped in to give him their condolences. A few Hufflepuffs brought him a bouquet of roses. A handful of Ravenclaws gave him some new quills and books to read, Lily Evans gave him a huge hug and told him that she was there if he ever wanted to talk, but one Slytherin shocked them all. After Remus was packing up from lessons, Severus Snape walked towards them, albeit nervously. James and Sirius were fingering their wands. Remus looked very tired. "Yes?" he asked the dark haired boy. "I heard about your parents Remus, I'm so sorry." James' mouth dropped open. "So um, if any Slytherins are picking on you, tell me, you hear? Just know that you've got someone on the inside" and with that, he slung his bag over his shoulder and exited the classroom. Sirius harrumped loudly. "Wow, didn't know that little slimeball had it in him" 

Sirius P.O.V

"Are you sure you'll be alright Moony?" I asked as we waited in Dumbledore's office. Remus shrugged. "I don't know, I mean, they don't exactly like werewolves over there but at least they'll be civil right?" "Sure" said James. Just then, Dumbledore swept into the office with Fawkes on his arm. "Are you ready?" he asked. Remus' adam's apple bobbed up and down and he nodded. The older man took a jar of Floo powder and handed it to Remus. "Say 'Ministry of Magic' clearly, toss the powder into the fireplace, and step right in" instructed Dumbledore. "I'll be behind you" Remus gave me a look of pure terror before stepping into the fireplace. "MINISTRY OF MAGIC" I heard him shout, and then he was gone. Dumbledore nodded. "He'll be back in a few hours, I'll see you then" The rest of the day went by in blurs of not really paying attention to classes and being anxious about Remus. Dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to him. Would he? Trudging up to the dormitory, we found a rather pale Remus sitting on his bed. We tackled him into a hug. "Remus!" Peter squealed. "How are you?!" asked James. "Oh I'm fine, don't worry" said Remus, not sounding fine at all. "I'm tired guys, I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight." He muttered, drawing the bed curtains in our faces and rolling over. James looked abashed. "Well, I'm here if you wanna talk abou-" "I said goodnight!" snapped Remus from behind the curtains. James nudged me. "D'you get the feeling that Moony isn't telling us something?" he asked. 

A few weeks later...

As the weeks passed by, I noticed a change in Remus, He was less happy, he walked with his shoulders hunched, his eyes had lost it's usual amber spark. He had become more snappy too. Gone was the usual, kind Remus Lupin, and it scared the shit out of me. We had gotten into several little "domestics" over the most petty things and we were both nearing our breaking points. One day, James and I were talking over breakfast, Moony and Peter were still asleep. "What do you think would happen if we put a werewolf on the moon?" asked James through a mouthful of croissant. I snorted. "Well, he'd probably die of oxygen loss cos they can't breathe?" James rolled his eyes. "I never said that we wont send him up with a suit you absolute monster" Just then there was a little gasp from the entrance to the great hall and Remus looked at him with wide eyes. "Ohshitremuswewerenttalkingaboutyou" he mumbled, pressing a hand to his mouth. Remus fled the room, crying, but not before I saw the edge of his robes shift, revealing three, perfect, uniform scars, way too straight to be claw marks. "Prongs..." I said in a rather tense voice. James nodded. "I saw." I made a chocked noise in the back of my throat. "I'll go check on him" Running up the stairs, two at time, I pushed open the dormitory door. I heard muttering from the bathroom. "S-S-Sectumsempra" No. Elbowing the bathroom door open, I saw that Remus had his wand pointed at his neck. Knocking the wand out of his hand, an inexplicable anger filled me. "What. Was.That" I growled. Remus turned around slowly, amber eyes flashed with defiance. "Hullo" he said coolly. "REMUS JOHN LUPIN, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" I screeched, my pent up anger overflowing. He folded his arms, blood dripping on his robes. "I decided that the world didn't need me anymore" I nearly went blind with frustration. "WHY?! GIVE ME A VAILD REASON. FYI, JAMES DIDN'T CALL YOU A MONSTER. WE WERE TALKING ABOUT IF YOU PUT A WEREWOLF ON THE MOON" Something like relief flashed across his face, soon replaced with anger. "Leave me ALONE!" he yelled, shoving me against the wall. Ow. He looked at himself with contempt and disgust. "I'm a monster" "HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU REMUS?! IS THIS ALL A PLOY TO GET PITY?! COS ITS NOT WORKING!" Remus growled, looking purely wolf in that moment. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE BEING A WEREWOLF SIRIUS!" he bellowed. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO HAVE EVERYONE LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOU SHOULD BE DEAD" "I do-" I began. "SHUT IT BLACK! YOU DON'T! I KNOW THAT YOUR MOTHER WAS BAD BUT AT LEAST YOU COULD ESCAPE TO JAMES' HOUSE." I paused, a little of my rage ebbing away. "James? what's he got to do with it?" Remus was still fuming. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AT THE MINISTRY?! THE MINISTER FOR FUCKING MAGIC HIMSELF ASKED IF I WOULD LIKE TO BE EUTHANISZED, OR 'PUT OUT OF MY MISERY' " he screamed, tears falling freely from his eyes. "THEY TOOK 10% OF WHAT MY PARENTS LEFT ME. THEY SAID I WAS LUCKY TO GET ANYTHING AT ALL." He dragged a hand against his eyelids, scrubbing at saltwater tears. "They nearly put me in a werewolf concentration camp, Sirius. You don't know what it's like there. The screams, the begging to 'just to kill me already'" I gasped in shock and horror. "They use silver Sirius, you should have been there. 'If you don't have a home, you will be drafted to one of these camps' The head of the ministry said this to me, Siri, and then he asked  if I would like to be put out of my misery, and that they had a silver axe ready, just in case." He cried and slumped against the wall. I was furious. How could they do something like this?! I whispered gentle nothings into his ear and hugged him. "I-I thought that the w-world didn't need me a-a-anymore" I shook my head and hugged him tighter. "No, Rem, never ever ever think that you are not needed. You are not alone alright? I will always be there for you." Remus nodded and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed back with enthusiasm. We stayed locked like that for a while. Remus sighed and laid his head on my chest. "I'm sorry Siri, I'm so so sorry" I shook my head. "You have nothing to apologize for Rem." He snuggled into my robes. "I love you Sirius." he murmured. "I love you too Moony"





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