Sorting Hat

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Remus' P.O.V

"FIRST YEARS, FOLLOW ME" Hagrid bellowed. Sirius, Peter and I trotted off the train with excitement. James, Well, James just kind of oozed off. The 4 of us made it to the boats and climbed on, the sparkling form of Hogwarts castle taking shape.  A "Woah" came from the assembled wizards and witches. Stepping into the main hall, each first year waited to be sorted. "Sherlock  Holmes " called McGonagall. The raven haired boy sat down and before it even touched his head, the hat shouted "RAVENCLAW" a cheer went up from the table. Molly was also a ravenclaw. Another boy, John Watson was a Gryffindor, Jim Moriarty was a slytherin, Greg Lestarde was a hufflepuff. "Severus Snape" she called. "SLYTHERIN" shouted the hat. "Remus Lupin" she called. I timidly walked up to the stool. I heard whispers. "Look at his face, he'll never be a wizard, why is he even here" Trying not to cry, I held my head up and sat down on the stool. The hat began his deductions. Bravery in here, Plenty of courage, not to much confidence, that can be fixed though, troubled soul, not slytherin, no, no. "Better be... GRYFFINDOR!" Announced the hat. To my  surprise, the Gryffindors cheered. Beaming, I stepped off of the stage and took my place at the table.

Sirius' P.O.V

"Sirius Black" called McGonagall. A hush went over the crowd. I didn't even freaking care. As I took my place at the stool, I saw Remus over at the Gryffindor table crossing his fingers and muttering to himself. Oof. Wish I knew what he was wishing for. Oh, a black, Hmm. Trouble in this one , could be slytherin, plenty of ambition here, needs friends, yes, yes! perfect. "GRYFFINDOR" cried the hat. Grinning widely, I skipped over to the table where Remmy was sighing but with relief or disappointment I couldn't tell. He waved at me and patted a spot on the bench next to him. "Now let's hope James and Peter make it in too" he muttered. They did. We cheered the loudest. DUH. A while later, a girl named Lily Evans was sorted into Gryffindor and James was going heart eye emojis over her. The three of us looked at each other and made a silent promise to set them up as soon as possible. After listening to Dumbledore prattle on about rules and other crap, the feast started and we dug in. Remus was attacking the chocolate like a wolf, James grabbed the licorice wands, Peter had a bazillion sandwiches and I just ate piles of chicken wings. Once it was over, Dumbledore made one more announcement, "Students, please follow your prefects to your commons rooms, and don't get lost on the staircases." With that, he left. "What do you think that means?" I asked Remus. He just shrugged. As we continue down the hall, I find out why. "Oh" I say. THE BLOODY STAIRCASES MOVE.

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